Presto Popcorn Poppers multi poppe User Manual

microwave multi-popper  
Your Presto® PowerPop®  
microwave multi-popper is  
designed to make popcorn just  
the way you like it — with oil,  
without oil, and even butter  
See page 4 step 3 for easy  
preparation instructions.  
©2004 by National Presto Industries, Inc.  
The following important safeguards are recommended by most portable appliance manufacturers.  
To reduce the risk of personal injury or property damage when using this appliance, basic safety precautions should  
always be followed, including the following:  
1. Read all instructions. Do not leave unit unattended while in use.  
2. Do not place in microwave oven unless covered.  
3. Use caution when touching hot surfaces. Unit and PowerCup® concentrator become hot during popping.  
4. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children.  
5. Do not operate in the event the appliance malfunctions or is damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the  
Presto Factory Service Department or to the nearest Presto Authorized Service Station for examination, repair,  
or adjustment (see page 7).  
6. The use of attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may damage the unit or cause inju-  
7. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven.  
8. Do not use appliance for other than intended use.  
This product is for household use only  
How To Use  
Follow these easy steps:  
Step 1  
Attach the popping bowl to the PowerBaseconcentrator by positioning the pop-  
ping bowl locking tabs in the grooves on the PowerBaseconcentrator, Fig. A.  
Rotate the popping bowl clockwise or counter-clockwise until it locks into place.  
The bowl’s tabs will be underneath the base’s locking tabs.  
Step 2  
Place a Presto® PowerCup® concentrator in the popping bowl. Be certain you are  
using only one concentrator (concentrators may occasionally stick together). Push  
it down, so it is seated tightly against the bottom of the inside of the popping bowl.  
Important: Use only genuine Presto® PowerCup® concentrators. Use of any  
other concentrator or microwave crisping paper will damage your Presto®  
PowerPop® multi-popper.  
Locking Tab  
Locking Tab  
Fig. A  
Step 3  
Step 4  
For oil popped corn, pour 1 to 2 tablespoons of oil onto the concentrator,  
Fig. B. Add 13 cup popping corn, Fig. C. If desired, sprinkle with salt. See recipe variations on pages 5 through 7.  
For corn similar to air popped corn (without oil), pour ⁄3 cup popping corn onto the concentrator, Fig. C. It is not  
recommended that salt be added prior to popping as it will not stick to the corn.  
For butter flavored popcorn, pour 1 to 2 tablespoons of butter flavored oil onto the concentrator. Add 13 cup popping  
corn, Fig. C. If desired, sprinkle with salt.  
Put the cover on the popping  
bowl and place in the center  
of the microwave oven. All  
microwave ovens do not cook  
alike, causing cooking time to  
vary. Popcorn will usually be  
done in 2 to 5 minutes. Do not  
use “Popcorn Setting” if your  
microwave has this feature.  
For the first use, set microwave  
timer for 5 minutes and begin  
Fig. B  
popping at full power (High).  
Listen carefully. When pop-  
Fig. C  
ping slows to approximately 2 to 3 seconds between pops, stop microwave. If more or less time is necessary, adjust  
timer accordingly for your next batch of popcorn. Do not overcook as popcorn will scorch. Never leave microwave  
oven unattended during popping. Note: When using 13 cup premium yellow popcorn, the popped corn may push the  
cover up at the end of popping. This is normal.  
Step 5  
Step 6  
Use the popping bowl carrying handle to carefully remove popper from microwave oven. Carefully lift the cover toward  
you to keep any steam away from you. Serve popcorn in popping bowl or pour into another bowl if you would like to  
make additional batches of popcorn.  
Caution: Some hot oil residue may remain in the bottom of the bowl after popping; use caution when pouring popcorn  
into another bowl as the residue could drip out and cause burns. The PowerCup® concentrator becomes very hot dur-  
ing popping. Use a tongs to remove a hot concentrator or allow concentrator to cool before handling.  
Before popping additional batches, wipe the PowerCup® concentrator with a damp cloth to remove remaining salt and  
oil. Because microwave function varies, some microwave ovens perform better when allowed to cool 10 to 15 minutes  
before popping additional batches of corn.  
Helpful Hints  
This popper is designed to pop all kinds of popcorn -- yellow, white, baby rice, and premium brands. Try different brands to find  
the one you like best. Yellow popcorn generally pops into larger kernels than white.  
Always use fresh popcorn. Fresh popcorn pops into larger kernels and with more consistency than older dried out corn.  
You can vary the amount of popcorn popped. Since the popping bowl has a 3-quart capacity, you can pop as much as 13 cup of  
premium yellow popcorn. For other types of corn that produce smaller kernels, a heaping 13 cup is recommended. If you want  
just a little popcorn, you can pop as little as a tablespoon of corn. When popping small amounts, make sure you monitor popping  
closely as popping will be completed faster than normal.  
Because of its fine texture, popcorn salt works best. It is available at most grocery stores. Table salt works well too, however.  
You can use any kind of cooking oil (corn, vegetable, peanut, olive, canola, sesame etc.) or any kind of solid shortening or lard  
in the popper. No more than 2 tablespoons should be used for any batch of popcorn. Feel free to mix oils or shortenings. Butter  
and margarine may be used. When cooked at high temperatures, like those in the microwave popper, butter and margarine both  
tend to brown, imparting a different, but delicious flavor.  
You can preseason your corn by adding salt and other fine powdered seasonings to the oil prior to popping. Avoid the use, how-  
ever, of cheese powders or powders made with granulated sugar or chocolate, as they tend to burn. They may be added to corn  
after popping. See recipes on pages 5 through 7.  
If you want oil flavored popcorn, but don’t want the added fat or calories that oil gives you, either before or after popping, spray  
popcorn with a no-stick cooking spray. This will give you a hint of oil flavor and will also allow salts and other seasonings to  
stick to the popcorn better. For a hint of butter flavored popcorn, use the butter flavored sprays.  
If you like extra butter or margarine on your popcorn, you can add more after popping. Simply place a few 18-inch pats of butter/  
margarine on the popped corn, cover popper, and reinsert in the microwave oven for approximately 20 seconds. Butter/margarine  
will melt and can then be mixed through.  
You can enjoy the taste of theater popcorn with less harmful fats by using a butter flavored oil, like Orville Redenbacher’s®  
Gourmet® Buttery Flavor® Popping Oil.  
Questions and Answers  
1. Sometimes I get a lot of unpopped kernels and scorched corn. Why?  
A number of things may be causing this:  
a. You may have forgotten to use the PowerBaseconcentrator or PowerCup® concentrator. Quality of popped corn will  
diminish if the PowerBaseconcentrator or PowerCup® concentrator are not both used.  
b. Your PowerCup® concentrator needs to be replaced.  
c. You were not using the High setting on your microwave oven.  
d. Your microwave oven may have areas where microwave energy is not evenly distributed. Next time you use the popper,  
try positioning the popper in a different location inside the microwave oven.  
e. Your microwave oven and the Presto® popper do not work together. Presto’s engineers tested a wide variety of mi-  
crowave ovens in the design phase of the unit and did not find a microwave oven, in which the popper fit, which did  
not perform superbly. It is possible, however, that an oven exists which does not work well with the popper. Presto  
would be very interested if you have such an oven. Please write or call Presto if you believe this is the case.  
2. How many unpopped kernels are considered normal for a batch of popped corn?  
The number of unpopped kernels will vary depending on the quality and freshness of the corn used, the microwave oven  
used, and the condition of the PowerCup® concentrator. If the instructions are followed correctly, as indicated on page  
3, on the first use you will usually get anywhere from 1 unpopped kernel to 1 teaspoon unpopped kernels. Fresh corn  
and premium corn will give you the best results. You should always get fewer unpopped kernels than microwave bagged  
corn. If you consistently get a lot of unpopped kernels, review this Question and Answer section.  
3. How many batches of popcorn should I be able to pop with each PowerCup® concentrator?  
The number of uses will vary from microwave to microwave. When popping with oil, you should be able to make up to  
12 batches with each concentrator. When popping without oil, you should be able to make up to 24 batches with each  
4. After the initial use, the PowerCup® concentrator looks dark and discolored. Should I continue to use it?  
Yes. The concentrator does discolor after use and will become more discolored the more you use it. The discoloration is  
normal and does not affect popping.  
5. What can I do to maximize the number of uses I get out of each PowerCup® concentrator when popping with oil?  
After each use, wipe concentrator with a damp cloth to remove salt and oil residue. Do not soak concentrator in water or  
use abrasives to clean it. Always remove concentrator from popping bowl before coating popcorn with toppings, such as  
caramel sauce.  
6. There is oil residue, salt, and other seasonings on the concentrator after I make salted or flavored popcorn. May I  
wash the concentrator?  
As water tends to cause the layers of the PowerCup® concentrator to separate, washing is not recommended. Between  
batches, oil and salt residue can be easily removed by wiping the concentrator with a damp cloth. Prior to storage for later  
uses or after making flavored popcorn, you may feel a more complete cleaning is needed. You may rinse the concentrator  
under warm water and gently wipe away any food residue. Do not scrub or use abrasives. To remove excess moisture  
from the concentrator, pat dry with a towel prior to storing in your popper.  
Note: Do not attempt to dry the concentrator in the microwave. Drying in the microwave will damage both the concen-  
trator and popper.  
7. How will I know when my PowerCup® concentrator needs to be replaced?  
If you notice you are getting more unpopped kernels than usual, it is time to replace the concentrator.  
Important: Always replace the concentrator immediately if the top layer is torn or cracked.  
8. The PowerPop® popper fits in my microwave oven only when I remove the glass tray or turntable. Is it safe to use the  
microwave without the tray or turntable?  
No. If your microwave oven comes with a glass tray or turntable, it should never be operated without the tray or turntable  
in place. Use without the tray or turntable results in short PowerCup® concentrator life. It will also damage the popper  
and could destroy your microwave oven.  
9. Sometimes I find the PowerCup® concentrator on top of the popped corn with numerous unpopped kernels underneath.  
What has happened?  
Unpopped kernels were under the concentrator prior to popping, or the concentrator was not positioned tightly against  
the bottom of the popping bowl enabling unpopped kernels to slip under the concentrator during popping. When those  
kernels popped, they pushed the concentrator up, allowing more unpopped kernels to fall underneath the concentrator.  
Always make sure your concentrator is seated tightly against the bottom of the popping bowl and that all of the kernels  
are on the concentrator before you begin popping.  
10. It seems when I make multiple batches of popcorn, each batch takes longer to pop. Why?  
As the cavity of any microwave oven gets hotter, the oven becomes less efficient. Thus, if you are making multiple batches  
of corn, you might wish to allow the microwave to cool slightly between batches.  
11. Although I am getting great popping performance, sometimes the corn is scorched. What is causing this?  
a. You may be microwaving the corn for too long. Remember that when popping slows to 2 to 3 seconds between pops,  
the popper should be removed from the microwave oven.  
b. You are using seasonings for flavored corn which burn during popping. For future batches, sprinkle those seasonings  
on after the corn has popped. If the seasonings are not in fine powder form, they may also burn.  
Care, Cleaning, and Storage  
The popping bowl and cover are dishwasher safe or they can be washed in warm, sudsy water and rinsed and dried thor-  
oughly. Do not immerse the PowerBaseconcentrator in water or other liquids. Wipe the PowerBaseconcentrator with a  
damp cloth. If the PowerBaseconcentrator is immersed accidentally, you will need to place the base in an upright position  
and allow it to drain before use.  
If popping corn with oil and salt, wipe the PowerCup® concentrator with a damp cloth after each use to remove oil and salt  
residue. Do not scrub the concentrator with abrasives or soak in water.  
Store concentrator inside of popping bowl and use for your next batch of popcorn.  
Traditional Popcorn  
112 tablespoons cooking oil  
teaspoon salt  
cup popcorn  
Pour oil on PowerCup® concentrator in popping bowl. Add popcorn and sprinkle with salt.  
Cover popper and place in center of microwave oven. Set timer for 5 minutes (see page  
3, step 4). Cook on high power until rapid popping slows to 2 to 3 seconds between pops.  
Carefully remove popper from oven and cover from popper.  
Onion and Garlic Popcorn  
112 tablespoons cooking oil  
1 teaspoon onion salt  
1 teaspoon garlic powder  
1 teaspoon garlic salt  
cup popcorn  
1 teaspoon onion powder  
Pour oil on PowerCup® concentrator in popping bowl. Add popcorn and sprinkle with sea-  
sonings. Cover popper and place in center of microwave oven. Set timer for 5 minutes (see  
page 3, step 4). Cook on high power until rapid popping slows to 2 to 3 seconds between  
pops. Carefully remove popper from oven and cover from popper.  
Create Your Own Flavored Popcorn  
To create your own flavored popcorn, choose and combine ingredients from the following  
lists. Pick foods having compatible flavors. The amounts given are approximate. Use your  
imagination and enjoy!  
Start with...  
1 tablespoon to 13 cup...  
Yellow popcorn  
White popcorn  
Add up to 2 tablespoons of...  
Cooking oil  
Flavored oil  
Solid shortening  
Flavored solid shortening  
Note: When cooked at high temperatures, like those in the microwave popper, butter and margarine both tend to  
brown, imparting a different, but delicious flavor.  
(Or a combination of the above.)  
Prior to popping, sprinkle with up to 1 teaspoon of...  
Buttery Flavored Salt  
Celery Salt  
Garlic Salt  
Garlic Powder  
Hickory Flavored Salt  
Italian Seasoning  
Jalapeño Salt  
Mexican Seasoning  
Onion Salt  
Onion Powder  
Popcorn Salt  
Seasoned Salt  
After popping corn, sprinkle on...  
Cheese Powder  
Chili Powder  
Onion and Garlic Seasoning  
Powdered Sugar  
Sugar Substitute  
Grated Parmesan Cheese  
Taco Flavoring  
Note: Flavors are enhanced as the popcorn cools. Store flavored corn in an airtight  
container to further enhance flavor.  
Caramel Corn  
cup popcorn  
2 tablespoons +  
1 teaspoon corn syrup  
cup brown sugar  
cup butter  
teaspoon salt  
teaspoon baking soda  
Place popcorn on PowerCup® concentrator in popping bowl. Cover popper and place in  
center of microwave oven. Set timer for 5 minutes (see page 3, step 4). Cook on high power  
until rapid popping slows to 2 to 3 seconds between pops. Carefully remove popper from  
oven and cover from popper. Pour popped corn into a large bowl and set aside.  
Combine remaining ingredients except baking soda in a 2 quart microwavable bowl. Mi-  
crowave 2 to 3 minutes, stirring every minute until it boils. Microwave 1 minute more. Stir  
in baking soda. Pour syrup mixture over popped corn and stir to distribute. Place on waxed  
paper and cool.  
Consumer Service Information  
If you have any questions regarding the operation of your Presto® appliance or need parts for your appliance, call our Con-  
sumer Service Department weekdays between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM (Central Time) at 1-800-877-0441 or write:  
Consumer Service Department  
3925 N. Hastings Way, Eau Claire, WI 54703-3703  
You may also email your inquiries to [email protected]. Inquiries will be answered promptly by telephone, letter,  
or email. When writing, please include a phone number and a time when you can be reached during weekdays if possible.  
Any maintenance required for this product, other than normal household care and cleaning should be performed by our Fac-  
tory Service Department or any Presto Authorized Service Station. Be sure to indicate date of purchase and a description of  
defect when sending an appliance for repair. Send appliances for repair to:  
Presto Factory Service Department  
555 Matthews Drive, Canton, MS 39046-0529  
Appliances may also be repaired at any Authorized Service Station. Check your yellow pages for Service Stations near  
The Presto Factory Service Department and Presto Authorized Service Stations are equipped to service all PRESTO® ap-  
pliances and supply genuine PRESTO® parts. Genuine PRESTO® replacement parts are manufactured to the same exacting  
quality standards as PRESTO® appliances and are engineered specifically to function properly with its appliances. Presto  
can only guarantee the quality and performance of genuine PRESTO® parts. “Look-alikes” might not be of the same quality  
or function in the same manner. To ensure that you are buying genuine PRESTO® replacement parts, look for the PRESTO®  
PRESTO® Limited Warranty  
This quality PRESTO® appliance is designed and built to provide many years of satisfactory performance under  
normal household use. Presto pledges to the original owner that should there be any defects in material or workman-  
ship during the first two years after purchase, we will repair or replace it at our option. Our pledge does not apply  
to damage caused by shipping. To obtain service under the warranty, return this PRESTO® appliance, shipping  
prepaid, to the Factory Service Department or to the nearest Presto Authorized Service Station. When returning a  
product, please include a description of the defect and indicate the date the appliance was purchased.  
We want you to obtain maximum enjoyment from using this PRESTO® appliance and ask that you read and follow  
the instructions enclosed. Failure to follow instructions, damage caused by improper replacement parts, abuse,  
or misuse will void this pledge. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights  
which vary from state to state. This is Presto’s personal pledge to you and is being made in place of all other express  
Eau Claire, WI 54703-3703  
U.S. Patents 5,397,879; 5,695,673; and D360,102. Registrada Mexico No. 7722  
Form 59-869J  
How to obtain additional Presto PowerCup concentrators  
Presto® PowerCup® concentrators should be available wherever Presto® PowerPop® poppers are sold. You may also order  
a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Central Time) and have your credit card number and expiration date ready*.  
Order toll-free: 1-800-995-9960  
Or if you prefer, complete the order form below and mail it to the address shown.  
Clip and Mail to:  
Presto® PowerCup® Concentrators  
P.O. Box 1212  
Eau Claire, WI 54702-1212  
Please send me the following:  
Quantity Item  
______ Package(s) of 8 Presto® PowerCup® Concentrators  
(Part 09964) @ $1.58** (U.S. dollars) each package . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________  
Postage and handling (U.S. only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________  
SUBTOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________  
Add sales tax for: NY 8.65%; TX 8.25%; WA 8.5%; WI 5% . . . . . . $ _________  
TOTAL COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________  
Enclosed is my check or money order for $ ___________.  
(Make checks payable to National Presto Industries, Inc.)  
I authorize you to charge to my charge card account.  
(Please check card type and indicate the account number and expiration date.)  
American Express  
Acct. No. _______________________________ Expires __________________  
Should we need to contact you about your order, please provide your daytime telephone number:  
AC _________ - __________ - ______________________  
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.  
*Payment options on telephone orders limited to charge cards only. **Prices are subject to change.  
National Presto Industries, Inc.  
3925 North Hastings Way  
Eau Claire, WI 54703-3703  
Name _____________________________________________________  
Address ___________________________________________________  
City ____________________________ State ______ Zip ___________  

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