RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 1
Ultra compact wireless
radar/laser detector
Q3 Innovations, LLC
2349 Jamestown Ave., Suite #4 • Independence, IA 50644 - USA
1-888-399-1687 • fax 1-319-334-3421
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 5
Congratulations on your purchase of the RadarHAWK™ SBIII, the ultra compact, wireless
radar/laser detector by Q3 Innovations, LLC. The RadarHAWK™ SBIII’s patented, innovative
technology brings you long-range radar detection in an incredibly compact, slim package.
The RadarHAWK™ SBIII attaches easily to your windshield, dashboard, or visor.
Your RadarHAWK™ SBIII package includes the following components:
SBIII and to download the most recent versions of this manual.
• All-band radar and laser signal detection
• Built-in digital compass displaying eight cardinal points
• Undetectable by VG-2 radar-detecting devices
• 360-degree radar and laser coverage
1. Radar/laser detector unit
2. 12V DC coiled power cord
• Identiꢀes instant-on radar signals
• Detects POP™ mode radar (when power cord is used)
• 3 alert ꢀlter modes: FILTER-NORMAL, FILTER-HIGH, and FILTER-OFF
• 8 signal strength meter levels
• LCD screen with bright backlight
• Separate power on/oꢁ switch and volume control
• Automatic audio control
• Automatic power-oꢁ
4. Six (6) suction cups
3. Two AA alkaline batteries
• Retains previously set operation modes after power oꢁ
• Tutorial mode to demonstrate operations
• Operates on 2 AA batteries or 12V DC power adapter
• Mounts on windshield, dashboard or visor
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 7
Top Laser Receiver
POWER Switch
MUTE Button
6. Windshield bracket B
8. Operation manual
5. Windshield bracket A
7. Hook & loop fastener
Volume Controller
Power Cord Input Jack
Radar Receiver
Front Laser Receiver
LCD Screen
If you are missing any of these contents, please call our oꢀce at 1-888-399-1687 and we will ship them to you
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 9
Radar Devices
Laser Devices
Until the mid-1970’s, X band (10.50~10.55 GHz) was the only frequency used by most police radar devices.
Early radar detectors needed only to listen for X band radar. But in 1976 police radar devices using K band
(24.05~24.25 GHz) were introduced, leading to the development of the ꢀrst dual band detectors able to
receive both frequencies (X and K).
Laser devices transmit an invisible light beam at a frequency (more accurately a “wavelength”) of 904
nanometers. A nanometer is how a light wavelength is measured. Diꢂerent laser devices operate at
diꢂerent light pulse rates and some manufacturers call them “bands.” All RadarHAWK™ radar/laser
detectors can detect all current laser devices in use.
Then, in 1987, a proliferation of police radar devices using KA band frequencies began with the introduction
of photo radar (34.3 GHz), followed by the Stalker (34.2~35.2 GHz) in 1991 and the BEE 36A (33.4~34.4
GHz) in 1992. The introduction of KA band photo radar (34.3 GHz) led to the development of tri-band
detectors able to detect X, K, and a small portion of KA band. A fourth category of “wide-band” radar
detectors capable of detecting X, K, and wide KA (34.2~35.2 GHz) bands reached the market following the
introduction of Stalker radar.
Less than 1,000 laser devices are in service in 45 states at present. Most are used by city police on urban
multi-lane roadways. The use of laser devices for speed monitoring is expected to increase, but will remain
limited due to their high cost and limited attractiveness to agencies that favor the convenience of
conventional moving radar. Currently, laser guns account for less than 5% of the total number of speed
monitoring devices (radar and laser) sold in the U.S. annually; during the next ꢀve years, this ꢀgure is
expected to remain under 8%. Laser devices will likely be in service in every state within a few years.
Finally, in response to the BEE 36A, a new generation of “superwide-band” radar detectors was developed.
They detect all police radar devices operating on X, K, and superwide KA (33.4~36.0 GHz) bands. All
RadarHAWK™ radar/laser detectors are superwide band receivers. When radar detectors proved easily
capable of detecting radar from miles away, radar device manufacturers responded by developing
“instant-on radar.”In the instant-on mode, the radar’s transmitter is placed on hold, ready to ꢀre but not yet
producing a signal for detectors to hear. The oꢁcer waits until his target is very close, releases the radar
from stand-by mode, and gets a speed reading within a second or so.
Laser devices can measure the speed of a target vehicle only when it is up to 1,500 feet away in line of sight.
This means that when the “LASER” alert is displayed, the speed monitoring system is nearby. When a
“LASER” alert is displayed, we highly recommend that you promptly reduce your speed if you’re driving faster
than the speed limit.
In this situation, no detector can oꢂer much warning. But the RadarHAWK™ SBIII is designed to display
“INSTANT” when an instant-on signal is detected, followed by the name of the detected radar band. When
an “INSTANT” alert is displayed, we highly recommend that you promptly reduce your speed if you’re driving
faster than the speed limit.
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The RadarHAWK™ SBIII can easily be installed on your windshield, visor, or dashboard. Each
location has it’s own installation hardware and requirements.
Windshield Installation - Power Cord Operation (use Bracket B)
1. Adjust mounting bracket. Bend the angle of the metal bars of the windshield bracket B to set the
best viewing and detection angle, ensuring the radar detector is level with the road.
Windshield Installation - Battery Operation (use Bracket A)
1. Install 2 AA alkaline batteries into the windshield bracket A battery box (see Battery Information,
page 15).
2. If suction cups are not installed in the bracket, insert the nipples of the suction cups into the
windshield bracket.
3. Secure to windshield. Press the bracket ꢀrmly against the windshield until the suction cups take
hold securely.
2. Adjust mounting bracket. Bend the angle of the metal bars of the windshield bracket to set the
best viewing and detection angle, ensuring the radar detector is level with the road.
4. Mount the radar detector onto the plastic piece at the end of the bracket. You will hear a “click”
when the two parts are properly connected.
3. If suction cups are not installed in the bracket, insert the nipples of the suction cups into the back
of the battery box.
5. Power-up. Plug the small end of the coiled power cord into the power jack on the side of the radar
detector. Plug the large end of the power cord into the power socket of your vehicle.
4. Secure to windshield. Press the bracket ꢀrmly against the windshield until the suction cups take
hold securely.
5. Mount the radar detector onto the plastic piece at the end of the bracket. You will hear a “click”
when the two parts are properly connected.
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Dashboard Installation - Power Cord Operation only
Visor Installation* - Power Cord Operation only
1. Attach fastener. Peel oꢀ backing and adhere one side of the hook & loop fastener directly to your
dashboard, the other side to the bottom of the radar detector.
1. Attach visor bracket. Clip the visor bracket to the back pivoting edge of your visor so that the
plastic piece of the bracket faces downward when the visor is in its normal, stowed position.
2. Attach the radar detector to the dashboard by placing the fastener pieces together.
2. Attach the radar detector to the bracket by turning the radar detector upside-down and
mounting it onto the plastic end of the visor bracket. You will hear a “click” when the two parts are
properly connected. Make sure the LCD screen faces you.
3. Power-up. Plug the small end of the coiled power cord into the power jack on the side of the radar
detector. Plug the large end of the power cord into the power socket of your vehicle.
3. Power-up. Plug the small end of the straight power cord into the power jack on the side of the
radar detector. Plug the large end of the power cord into the power socket of your vehicle.
4. Turn on the radar detector by moving the power switch to ON.
5. Reverse the radar detector’s text display. Press and hold the MUTE and ALERT FILTER buttons
simultaneously for 2 seconds to reverse the text display (so messages will be seen right-side-up).
6. Use the retaining clips to attach any loose wire between the visor and the power socket. Be
careful not to leave any dangling wires that will distract the driver.
* NOTE: Visor bracket, straight power cord, and retaining clips are sold separately.
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Dashboard - Power Cord option (use Hook & Loop
Choose where to install the RadarHAWK™ radar detector
The RadarHAWK™ SBIII can be installed on your windshield, dashboard or visor.
1. Bend the bracket bars as needed to ensure the radar
detector will be easy to read and level with the road.
• Windshield installation includes both battery and power cord options.
• Dashboard and visor installations include power cord option only.
2. Plug the power cord into the radar detector and power
socket of your vehicle.
Installing your radar detector
Windshield - Battery option (use Bracket A)
1. Install 2 AA alkaline batteries in the bracket box.
Visor - Power Cord option (Visor Bracket sold separately)
1. Clip visor bracket to the back, pivoting edge of your visor.
2. Turn the radar detector upside-down and attach to the visor clip - you will
hear a “click” when properly connected.
2. Bend the bracket bars as needed to ensure the radar
detector will be easy to read and level with the road.
3. Attach the power cord to the radar detector.
4. Turn on the radar detector.
3. Press securely against the windshield.
4. Attach the radar detector to the bracket - you will
hear a “click” when properly connected.
5. Press and hold the MUTE and ALERT FILTER buttons
simultaneously for 2 seconds to reverse the text display (so
messages will be seen right-side-up).
Windshield - Power Cord option (use Bracket B)
1. Bend the bracket bars as needed to ensure the radar
detector will be easy to read and level with the road.
6. Use the retaining clips to neatly tuck away the power cord.
Turning on the radar detector
1. Move the POWER switch to ON.
2. Press securely against the windshield.
3. Attach the radar detector to the bracket - you will
hear a “click” when properly connected.
2. The screen will display “RADARHAWK DETECTOR * * * FILTER-NORMAL” indicating a normal
ꢀlter mode.
4. Plug the power cord into the radar detector and
power socket of your vehicle.
3. The screen will then display a random compass direction if the compass has not been set-up
since purchase.
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Setting up the compass
Battery Information
To set the compass readings you will need to drive your vehicle slowly in a full circle. Be sure you are in an area where
you can safely perform this maneuver.
The RadarHAWK™ SBIII operates on two AA alkaline batteries. To ensure optimum performance
and battery life, we recommend you not use other types of batteries. We also do NOT recommend
using AA rechargeable batteries as the resulting battery life will be shorter due to characteristics of
rechargeable batteries.
1. Install the radar detector in your vehicle at your preferred location - windshield, dashboard, or visor.
2. Press and hold the BACKLIGHT and MUTE buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds.
4. Drive your vehicle in a full circle. The direction and size of circle do not matter. You have one minute to complete
the maneuver.
Battery Installation
5. Press any button to complete the compass set-up.
1. BE SURE the radar detector is turned oꢁ; disconnect the battery box from the radar detector.
2. Remove the battery door on the battery box.
3. If replacing batteries, remove the old batteries by pulling on the battery removal ribbon.
For maximum battery life, do not mix old and new batteries.
Understanding alert messages
1. When a radar signal is detected, the screen displays the name of the band - “X“, “K“, or “KA“ - and a number
indicating the strength of the signal (1 to 8).
2. When a laser signal is detected, the screen displays “LASER“.
3. The higher the number, the stronger the signal.
4. Stronger signals usually mean the police radar/laser device is relatively close; weaker signals usually mean it's
farther away.
4. Insert two fresh AA alkaline batteries into the battery box, observing the polarity indication
inside the battery box.
5. Replace the battery box door and reconnect the battery box to the radar detector.
6. The radar detector is ready for use.
Adjusting the Alert Filter
If you receive too many false alert signals, or are driving in speciꢀc environments, press the ALERT FILTER button to
switch between ꢀlter modes:
1. FILTER-NORMAL - Optimized ꢀltering for typical city or highway driving
2. FILTER-HIGH - Increased ꢀltering to reduce most false alerts, good for high-density commercial areas
3. FILTER-OFF - No ꢀltering of alert signals, ideal for open space areas
Using POP™ Mode (Power Cord operation only)
Press the "FILTER" button for two (2) seconds to turn POP™ mode ON or OFF. Once you select this mode, the unit displays
"POP ON" or "POP OFF". The factory default mode is "POP OFF". POP™ mode (ON or OFF) is stored in the memory. The unit
will display "KA POP" if it detects a POP™ radar signal.
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 19
Battery Life
Turning On the Radar Detector
The RadarHAWK™ SBIII can provide approximately 30-40 hours of battery life from two AA
alkaline batteries. Battery life is aꢀected by many variables, such as the brand and condition
of the batteries, the ambient temperature, the number and strength of engaged signals, and
the duration of reported alerts, backlight, and user settings. The estimated battery life
provided here is based on battery aging tests conducted in laboratory environments.
• Move the POWER switch to ON.
• The screen will display “RADARHAWK DETECTOR * * * FILTER-NORMAL” if it’s your ꢁrst
use since purchase.
• If you selected an alternate alert ꢁlter mode during previous use, it will display either
“FILTER-HIGH” or “FILTER-OFF” instead of “FILTER-NORMAL” in the message above, per
your selection.
Low Battery Indicator
• The screen will then display a random compass direction if the compass has not been
set-up since purchase.
A “LOW BATTERY”message will appear when 2 to 4 hours of battery life remain. This message
will scroll across the screen for 10 seconds accompanied by a beeping sound. This will repeat
every 30 minutes until no battery power remains and the radar detector shuts oꢀ.
Setting Up the Compass
We suggest keeping the power cord readily available. If your batteries are drained, the cord will allow
you to continue using your radar detector until you can replace the batteries.
The digital compass built into the RadarHAWK™ SBIII allows you to determine the direction
your vehicle is heading at all times. To provide accurate directional readings, the compass
must be set-up (calibrated). This allows the compass to separate the earth’s magnetic ꢁeld
from the magnetic ꢁelds generated by your vehicle.
Auto Power-Oꢀ
To conserve battery power, the RadarHAWK™ SBIII will automatically shut oꢀ when there
happens to be no change for 10 minutes to the magnetic ꢁeld data that the compass is
sensing. The radar detector will display ”ENTERING SLEEP MODE PRESS ANY BUTTON TO STAY
ON” and will beep for 20 seconds before powering down. To keep the radar detector on, just
press any button while the audio and visual warnings are displayed.
When to set up the compass:
The automatic power-oꢀ does not function when the radar detector is operated by power cord.
• When the radar detector is ꢁrst installed in your vehicle.
• When you move the radar detector to a diꢀerent location from where the compass was
previously set up.
Please turn oꢀ the radar detector whenever you leave your vehicle. Even a weak signal can cause it to
remain on and drain your batteries.
If the radar detector turns oꢀ automatically, you can turn it back on by pressing any button, or by
moving the power switch to OFF and then to ON.
• When the compass heading is inaccurate.
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 21
How to set up the compass:
Additional compass set-up information:
1. Be sure the radar detector is properly installed in your preferred location – on the
• If possible, select a level section of pavement, such as an empty parking lot or non-busy
windshield, the visor, or the dashboard of your vehicle.
street, to complete the compass set-up.
2. Press and hold the BACKLIGHT and MUTE buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds until you
hear the radar detector beep once. The screen will display “DRIVE IN A FULL CIRCLE PRESS
ANY BUTTON WHEN DONE”. You will have one minute to complete the maneuver.
3. Drive your vehicle in a full 360° circle. The size of the circle and direction of your vehicle do
not matter. The circle does not need to be perfectly round but must be completed going in
the same direction.
• Take a minimum of 20 seconds but less than 1 minute to drive in a circle during the set-up
• If you take more than 1 minute to complete the circle, the radar detector will display “PRESS
• Press any of the buttons during the warning signal to complete the set-up.
• If you leave the radar detector untouched during this warning signal, it will display “SET-UP
immediately restart the compass set-up by pressing the MUTE button or cancel the set-up by
pressing the BACKLIGHT button or by not pressing any of the buttons.
4. Press any button to complete the compass set-up. The radar detector will beep twice and
display “SET-UP COMPLETE” if the set-up was successful.
If there was an error during set-up, the radar detector will display “SET-UP INCOMPLETE PRESS
Using the Backlight
Press the BACKLIGHT button to switch the backlight on or oꢀ. The radar detector will sound 1
beep when the backlight is turned on, and 2 beeps when it is turned oꢀ.
• Press the MUTE button to restart the set-up. The radar detector will display “DRIVE IN A FULL
CIRCLE PRESS ANY BUTTON WHEN DONE”. Try again to drive your vehicle in a full 360° circle,
then press any button to complete the set-up.
• Press the BACKLIGHT button to cancel the set-up. The radar detector will display “SET-UP
CANCELLED” and exit from the compass set-up process. The radar detector may indicate
inaccurate directions until the compass set-up is successfully completed.
• When none of the buttons are pressed during the warning signal, the radar detector will
display “SET-UP CANCELLED” and exit from the compass set-up process.
If the backlight stays on for more than 15 minutes, the screen will scroll twice ”BACKLIGHT IS ON
TURNING OFF WILL PROLONG YOUR BATTERY LIFE”. This will repeat every 15 minutes.
The backlight is automatically on for 5 to 20 seconds at the following events:
• While the auto power-oꢀ messages are displayed – 20 seconds
• While the tutorial messages are displayed – 15 seconds
• While the low battery message is displayed – 10 seconds
• When a button is pressed – 5 seconds
The radar detector will ignore any signal threats during the compass set-up process.
• When an alert message is displayed – 5 seconds
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 23
Using the Mute Feature
Using the Alert Filter Button
Press the MUTE button to switch between “START MUTE” and “END MUTE”. In the “END MUTE”
mode, the radar detector automatically lowers the audio alert level to the ambient noise
level in your vehicle when it detects a continuous signal for 5 seconds or more. The audio
alert level remains low for 60 seconds, even if, during that time, a second separate signal is
detected. In the “START MUTE” mode, the radar detector will remain completely silent but
will continue to provide visual alerts.
Press the ALERT FILTER button to switch between ꢁlter modes. The factory default is FILTER-
• FILTER-NORMAL – Optimized ꢁltering for typical city or highway driving. The NORMAL
mode reduces all X band and other known radar signals commonly associated with
annoying false alerts in city and suburban areas. When this mode is selected, the screen
will scroll “FILTER-NORMAL MODE”.
• FILTER-HIGH – Increased ꢁltering to reduce most false alerts, good for high-density
commercial areas. The HIGH mode is ideal when you’re receiving frequent false alerts.
Most North American speed monitoring systems use the K or KA bands, and this mode
will not adversely aꢀect the sensitivity to police radar/laser devices. The HIGH mode
ꢁlters out all X band radar signals. X band radar is not detected in the HIGH mode. When
this mode is selected, the screen will scroll “FILTER-HIGH MODE”.
• FILTER-OFF – No ꢁltering of alert signals, ideal for open space areas. The OFF mode
eliminates the X band ꢁlter and is recommended for driving in areas where X band
radar devices are still in use. While now being phased out in most areas, X band is still
used in some locations. When this mode is selected, the screen will scroll “FILTER-OFF
Understanding Signal Alerts
Three radar bands (X, K, and superwide KA) and one laser band are typically used by police
radar/laser devices. When a radar signal is detected, the screen displays the name of the
radar band – “X”, “K”, or “KA” – together with a number indicating the strength of the
detected signal (called the signal strength meter).
• There are 8 levels in the signal strength meter – 1 to 8. The higher the number, the
stronger the signal.
• The signal strength meter can provide a good indication of the proximity of the
detected signal. Usually, strong signals are closer to you than weak signals.
When a laser signal is detected, the screen displays “LASER”.
For more information about diꢀerent kinds of radar and laser devices and detectors, see the
X band, occupied by police radar, is also used for other devices, such as automatic door openers like
those at supermarkets, burglar alarms, terrestrial microwave emission, and more. In addition, other
radar detectors in close proximity may falsely alert your detector. Filtering false alerts will help you
travel more comfortably.
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 25
Using POP™ Mode
K band detected operation:
Press the "FILTER" button for two (2) seconds to turn POP™ mode ON or OFF. Once you select
this mode, the unit displays "POP ON" or "POP OFF". The factory default mode is "POP OFF".
POP™ mode (ON or OFF) is stored in the memory. The unit will display "KA POP" if it detects a
POP™ radar signal.
Ka band detected operation:
Instant-on signal detected operation:
NOTE: POP™ Mode works only with power cord operation, it does not work with battery operation.
Invisibility to VG-2 Devices
VG-2 is a technology used by speed monitoring systems to identify vehicles equipped with
radar detectors in instances and locations where they are not legal (such as in vehicles over
10,000 lbs. or in Virginia and Washington D.C.). The VG-2 interceptors work by detecting
emission frequencies (11.4~11.7 GHz) generated by radar detectors. The RadarHAWK™ SBIII
does not generate emissions detectable by these VG-2 radar detector-sensing devices.
Ka POP™ signal detected operation:
Laser band detected operation:
Tutorial Mode
The RadarHAWK™ SBIII includes a tutorial mode to familiarize you with the radar detector’s
visual displays and distinct audio alarms. To activate the on-screen tutorial, press and hold
the BACKLIGHT button for 5 seconds. The screen will display the following visual messages,
each with a unique audio alarm that distinguishes it from the other messages.
When the tutorial is ꢀnished, the screen will automatically revert to the compass display. The
central compass heading(s) on the display screen indicate the forward direction of your vehicle:
X band detected operation:
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 27
Your RadarHAWK™ SBIII is designed to deliver consistent and reliable service. If you encounter
a problem, please refer to this section before returning your radar detector.
If you have questions, missing parts or comments, please call Q3 Innovations’customer service
department at (888) 399-1687 (toll-free within the U.S.) or e-mail to service@q3i.com.
• The radar detector does not power up when intended to operate by battery power.
– Check and replace batteries.
If you wish replacement or repair of a defective product, please follow these procedures:
– Check all connections between the radar detector and the battery box.
1. Obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number by calling us at (888) 399-1687
(toll-free within the U.S.) or at (319) 334-3412 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CST)
Monday-Friday. We can also be reached by:
• The radar detector does not power up when intended to operate by power cord.
– Check all power cord connections.
– Check fuse in 12 volt adapter and replace if necessary; see (Note) Fuse Replacement for
• Fax: (319) 334-3421
• E-mail: service@q3i.com
– Check power outlet in your vehicle. Clean if dirty.
– Check your vehicle’s fuse panel.
• Please note that RMA numbers are valid for 30 days only.
2. Obtain a proof of purchase, such as a mechanical reproduction of your sales receipt (original
receipts cannot be returned). Proof of purchase must show printed date of purchase, model
number, and place of purchase. If you cannot provide a proof of purchase, or if the warranty
period has ended, the product may be returned to you without being tested and/or there
will be a charge for replacement of your product.
Fuse Replacement: The 12 volt adapter of the power cord has a replaceable 2-Amp SAG fuse located
below the silver tip. To check or replace the fuse, slowly and carefully unscrew the tip of the plug,
making sure the spring and silver tip located inside the plug do not ꢀy out when you remove the cap.
Check fuse and replace if necessary.
3. Pack the product securely to prevent damage in transit. Please send the entire product,
including all accessories. Alterations to the product or its accessories will void your
warranty. Include your proof of purchase and a description of the problem.
• The radar detector did not alert when passing an oꢀcer.
– Not all police oꢀcers are equipped with a radar/laser device, or it may not have been
in use at that time.
• The radar detector shows erratic or frequent false alerts.
• The radar detector does not alert early enough.
– Make sure the radar detector is level to the road.
– Make sure the radar window or the top laser receiver is not obstructed. Move the radar
detector if necessary.
4. Write the issued RMA number on the outside of your package and address it to:
Q3 Innovations, LLC
Attn: Service Center, RMA# [insert the RMA# provided]
2349 Jamestown Ave, Suite 4
Independence, IA 50644
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 29
5. Type or print the name and address where the replacement should be delivered.
6. Ship prepaid and insured via traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEx
Parcel Service, or Priority Mail to avoid loss in transit.
Model: RadarHAWK™ SBIII
Once we receive your documents and product, we will repair or replace the product for you.
Please allow two to three weeks from receipt of your returned product to delivery of your
Q3I Innovations ("Q3I") manufactures its products from parts and components that are new or equivalent
to new in performance, and warrants to the original user that this product will be free of defects in
workmanship and materials for one (1) year from the date of purchase.
This warranty does not cover wear and tear due to normal use, or damage to the product as the result of
improper usage, neglect of care, alteration, accident, or unauthorized repair.
If the product is found by Q3I to be defective, Q3I's entire liability and your exclusive remedy for breach of
warranty shall be that Q3I will repair or replace the product and return the product or its replacement to
you at no charge, provided that you ship the product to Q3I at your expense with a description of the
defect and subject to the other conditions of this warranty. Should the product prove to be irreparable,
Q3I may substitute an equivalent product of the same or similar style and of a value not in excess of the
original purchase price of your instrument.
Q3I warrants the repaired or replacement product to be free from defects in material and workmanship
on the same terms as the product originally purchased.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This warranty will be void if the product’s serial number or other identiꢀcation marks have been defaced,
damaged, or removed. This warranty does not apply to the battery necessary to operate the product.
In addition, any changes or modi?cations to this product, which are not expressly approved by
Q3 Innovations, LLC in writing, could void the user’s authority to operate this product.
This warranty is extended to the original retail purchaser only and may not be transferred or assigned to
subsequent owners. In order to validate your warranty, you must provide proof of purchase acceptable to
RadarHAWK™ SBIII - Page 31
Q3I together with the product shipped for warranty repair/replacement.
Products returned to Q3I must be pre-authorized by Q3I with an RMA (return material authorization)
number marked on the outside of the package. Please refer to the Service and Replacement section
for Q3 Innovations’contact information.
Q3I shall have no liability for any indirect or speculative damages (including, but not limited to,
consequential, incidental, and special damages) relating to the use of or inability to use this product,
whether arising out of contract, negligence, tort, or under any warranty theory, or for infringement
of any other party's intellectual property rights, irrespective of whether Q3I had advance notice of
the possibility of any such damages, including, but not limited to, loss of use, revenue, or proꢀt. In
no event shall Q3I's total liability for all claims regarding the product exceed the price paid for the
product. Q3I neither assumes nor authorizes anyone to assume for it any other liabilities. Q3I shall
have no liability in the event the user receives a speeding ticket violation while using this product.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
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