BACtrack Automobile Accessories S75 User Manual

s75 PrO  
Table Of COnTenTs  
The BACTRACK® S75 Pro Breathalyzer is a professional alcohol  
screening device, used for the detection of alcohol in the  
breath. The BaCTraCK provides a digital result, indicating the  
approximate BaC (Blood alcohol Content) of the test subject.  
The BaCTraCK is powered by two aa batteries and is very  
easy to use. simply turn on the unit and begin testing in a matter  
of seconds. However, before you begin testing, there are a few  
things you should know. Please take a moment to read your  
owners manual in its entirety and familiarize yourself with  
the BaCTraCK.  
This device is intended to measure  
alcohol in human breath. Measurements  
obtained by this device are used in the  
diagnosis of alcohol intoxication.  
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
Dose-specific Effects of Alcohol . . . 4  
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  
Components Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . 6  
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12  
Verification and Calibration . . . . . .13  
One-Year Limited Warranty . . . . . 14  
Alcohol and Its Effects on the Human Body  
alcohol is absorbed from the mouth, throat, stomach and  
intestines into the bloodstream.  
alcohol ingested by the human body can be detected in the  
breath because of its presence in the bloodstream.  
alcohol cannot be digested, and it cannot be chemically  
changed in the bloodstream. as the blood flows through the  
lungs, alcohol in the bloodstream moves across the membranes  
of the lung’s air sacs (alveoli) into the air. The concentration of  
the alcohol in the alveolar air is directly related to the concentra-  
tion of the alcohol in the blood. as the alveolar air is exhaled, the  
alcohol in it can be detected by the breath alcohol testing device.  
Track your B.A.C. – BACTRACK!  
The alcohol concentration in the breath is related to that in the  
blood, and because of this, an individuals BaC can be deter-  
mined by measuring alcohol in the breath. The ratio of breath  
alcohol to blood alcohol is generally estimated to be 2,100:1.  
Therefore, 2,100 milliliters (ml) of alveolar air will contain ap-  
proximately the same amount of alcohol as 1 ml of blood.  
some vision impairments that occur when you have been  
drinking include:  
narrowing of your eld of vision  
reduction in your depth perception  
Decreased ability to see in darkness  
Increased sensitivity to glare and a longer time  
for your eyes to readjust from the glare  
Alcohol is a Drug  
some mental (brain) impairment can occur when you have  
been drinking, including:  
alcohol is the chemical (ethanol or ethyl alcohol) resulting from  
the fermentation of grapes or grain. alcohol is absorbed directly  
into your bloodstream. From your bloodstream, the uids in your  
body tissues absorb the alcohol. Your brain is made up of a  
large concentration of fluids and will absorb a large amount of  
any alcohol you drink. Your liver eliminates the absorbed alcohol  
at its own rate of time and nothing you eat or drink can speed up  
the process. Your liver does this by oxidizing the alcohol (convert-  
ing it into water and carbon dioxide). Coffee, food or any other  
“curewill not sober you up. Only time will do that.  
reduced awareness of danger  
Becoming overly confident and reckless  
Difficulty in making decisions  
reduction in balance  
slowed reexes  
Impaired judgment  
How does alcohol affect my driving?  
we can’t emphasize enough how dangerous it is for you to  
drink and drive. Your vision and your brain are the most impor-  
tant factors in driving safely. If you jeopardize either by drinking,  
and then you drive, you are likely to be involved in a serious or  
fatal collision.  
How does alcohol affect my body?  
alcohol is a depressant. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles in  
your body. The muscles of your eyes relax and lose focus. Your  
eyesight will become fuzzy and you may experience double  
vision. Brain activity is slowed. Your judgment, reexes, and  
coordination are all negatively affected.  
From California Department of Motor Vehicles (  
Dose-Specific Effects  
dOse-speCIfIC effeCTs Of alCOhOl  
Gross motor impairment and lack of  
physical control. Blurred vision and major  
loss of balance. euphoria is reduced and  
dysphoria (anxiety, restlessness) is begin-  
ning to appear.  
Dose-Specific Effects  
slight euphoria. loss of shyness. Depres-  
sant effects are not apparent. Impairment  
possible in some individuals.  
Dysphoria predominates. nausea may  
Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower  
inhibitions and sensation of warmth.  
euphoria. some minor impairment of rea-  
soning and memory. Lowering of caution.  
Driving skills may be impaired at this level  
of intoxication.  
needs assistance in walking. Total mental  
confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and  
some vomiting.  
loss of consciousness.  
slight impairment of balance, speech, vi-  
sion, reaction time, and hearing. euphoria.  
Judgment and self-control are reduced.  
Caution, reason and memory are im-  
paired. Driving skills are always impaired  
at this level of intoxication and higher.  
0.40% and up  
Onset of coma. Possible death due to  
respiratory arrest**.  
* The effects of alcohol intoxication are greatly inuenced by individual  
variations among users. some users will be intoxicated at a much lower  
BaC than shown above.  
significant impairment of motor coordina-  
tion and loss of good judgment. speech  
may be slurred. Balance, vision, reac-  
tion time and hearing will be impaired.  
**Death can occur at a lower BaC in some individuals.  
The generally accepted legal standard for alcohol intoxication in  
the united states is 0.08%. However, your driving skills can be  
impaired at a level of 0.04% or lower. It is never safe to drink  
any amount of alcohol and drive.  
ImPOrtAnt !  
Installing the Battery  
Install two aa batteries in the battery compartment.  
COmpOnenTs dIagram  
FrOnT VIew  
Test subjects should wait 20 minutes after eating,  
drinking, or smoking before blowing into the BaCTraCK  
Breathalyzer. Failure to wait 20 minutes can provide  
inaccurate test results and damage the sensor.  
Mouthpiece In  
STEP 1: Insert a mouthpiece into the  
Mouthpiece In slot.  
start Button  
STEP 2: Press the start button.  
Mode Button  
The BaCTraCK will quickly display the  
total number of tests performed, and  
then begin a countdown.  
Battery Cover  
STEP 3: when the countdown approaches  
2, begin to inhale a deep breath.  
STEP 4: when the countdown reaches  
zero, “sTarT” will ash and the screen  
will display three lines. Blow through the  
mouthpiece for five seconds until there is  
a double beep sound.  
Advanced Menu Options  
The BaCTraCK offers several user-adjustable features through  
Menu Mode. To enter Menu Mode, turn on the BaCTraCK  
and during the countdown hold MODe for 5 seconds. To move  
between Menu Mode options, press MODe.  
STEP 5: Once the sensor has analyzed  
the breath sample, the estimated BaC  
value is displayed.  
Units of Measure  
By default, the BaCTraCK will display test  
results in %BaC, which is the standard in  
north america and in many other regions.  
Error Notification  
To change to a different unit of measure,  
press sTarT. You can select Promille (0/00)  
or mg/l as alternate units of measure.  
If a user does not blow a sufficient breath  
sample, the lCD will display “Flo”.  
Press start to restart the countdown  
cycle and retest.  
Audible Warnings  
By default, the BaCTraCK does not sound  
an audible warning after a specific %BaC  
If there is no breath sample blown within  
15 seconds, the lCD will display “Out”.  
Press start to restart the countdown cycle  
and retest.  
result. To set an audible warning after a  
specific %BaC test result, press sTarT  
to cycle through %BaC values.  
If the unit is powered on outside of the  
acceptable temperature range (0-40 °C or  
32-104 °F) the unit will display Out°F and  
testing cannot be performed.  
Blow Time  
The default blow time is 5 seconds.  
a longer blowing time generally provides  
a deep lung air sample and a more  
accurate test result. To adjust the blow  
time, press sTarT.  
If the battery indicator display is empty,  
install two new alkaline aa batteries.  
Flow Detection Settings  
use this option to adjust how hard a user  
is required to blow. Press start to change  
the settings.  
2.3 x 4.8 x 1 inches  
(5.8 x 12.2 x 2.5 cm)  
Low level flow detection  
This is the default setting for the unit.  
4.4 oz (125 g)  
with mouthpiece and batteries  
Fuel cell sensor technology  
High level flow detection  
Press start to change to the high level flow  
Detection range  
Test Count  
0.000 – 0.400 %BaC  
This level requires a stronger breath by the  
user and is recommended if previous test  
attempts have been unsuccessful.  
Displays total number of tests performed  
Two aa alkaline batteries, included  
approximately 1500 tests  
10-20 seconds  
Power supply  
Battery life  
User activated test mode  
Press start again to change to the user  
activated test mode. when testing in this  
mode, the operator must press start during  
a breath sample to activate the pump and  
perform a test.  
warm up Time  
response Time  
10 seconds  
+/- 0.005 %BaC @ 0.1 %BaC  
32-104 °F (0-40 °C)  
VerIfICaTIOn and CalIbraTIOn  
1. wait at least 20 minutes after drinking, eating or smoking before  
testing. not observing this waiting period can cause inaccurate  
readings and damage the sensor.  
The BaCTraCK is calibrated during manufacture using ad-  
vanced alcohol simulation equipment. Known alcohol concentra-  
tions are passed through the sensor to set baseline values for  
testing. During testing, the unit compares users’ breath samples  
to these baseline values.  
2. Do not blow smoke, food, or liquids into the BaCTraCK as this  
will damage the sensor.  
3. Do not test in areas with strong winds, smoke, or in an area  
where a large amount of alcohol is being consumed.  
The accuracy of breath alcohol testers can uctuate after six to  
twelve months of normal use, depending on the number of tests  
performed and operating conditions.  
4. replace the two aa batteries when the battery indicator icon  
reaches one bar.  
If this product is providing inconsistent test results, is not provid-  
ing any test results, or provides unusually high or low test results,  
the product should be recalibrated immediately by a trained  
5. send your tester in for periodic calibration service as required.  
(see calibration).  
6. The BaCTraCK Breathalyzer is designed to be used in a tempera-  
ture range of 32-104 °F (0-40 °C).  
The product should be recalibrated at least every six to twelve  
months. If the product is used every day, it may need to be  
recalibrated as frequently as every month.  
7. avoid testing in the presence of any substances that contain  
methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol or acetone. These substances  
may interfere with the results of the test.  
Calibration Instructions  
8. You cannot use the results of this product in court.  
Please visit or call 877-334-6876 for  
information on how to get your BaCTraCK Breathalyzer  
9. Do not use the BaCTraCK as a tool to determine whether you  
should operate a motor vehicle or equipment, or perform any  
other dangerous act.  
10. Do not drink and drive. always have a designated driver when  
alcohol is being consumed.  
During recalibration, a professional technician will reset the  
sensor baseline values and also perform a full diagnostic check  
to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the product.  
test subject is intoxicated under any denition of that word. KHn  
solutions expressly disclaims any liability for direct, indirect, in-  
cidental, special, or consequential damages of any nature under  
any legal theory. any act or failure to act based on a reading  
from this product shall be at the test subject’s or users own risk.  
KHn solutions assumes no responsibility for consequences to  
or of test subjects who use this product and later are shown to  
have been under the inuence of alcohol or to have had their  
judgment or any mental or bodily function impaired by alcohol.  
Correlation between breath alcohol content and blood alcohol  
concentration depends on many variables, including environ-  
mental factors (such as air quality, wind, humidity, temperature,  
etc.) and health conditions of the test subject. a low BaC reading  
does not mean that the test subject’s physical or mental perfor-  
mance or judgment (including reaction times) can respond to an  
emergency. The concentration of alcohol in the blood of a test  
subject cannot be exactly determined by using a breath alcohol  
screening product.  
One-Year lImITed WarranTY  
KHn solutionswarranty obligations for this product are limited  
to the following:  
KHn solutions warrants this product against defects in materials  
and workmanship under normal use for a period of One (1)  
Year from the date of retail purchase by the original end-user  
purchaser (“warranty Period”). except as provided in the preced-  
ing sentence or applicable law, KHn solutions provides this  
product “as is”. If a defect arises and a valid claim is received  
by KHn solutions within the warranty Period, at its option, KHn  
solutions will either (1) repair the product, (2) exchange the prod-  
uct with a product that is new or which has been manufactured  
from new or serviceable used parts and is at least functionally  
equivalent to the original product, or (3) refund the purchase  
price of the product. when a refund is given, the product for  
which the refund is provided must be returned to KHn solutions  
and becomes KHn solutions’ property. This warranty is limited  
to the original end-user purchaser and is not transferable to,  
or enforceable by, any subsequent owner.  
KHn solutions does not warrant that the operation of the product  
will be error-free. KHn solutions is not responsible for any conse-  
quences arising from failure to follow instructions or relating  
to the product’s use. This warranty does not apply: (a) to conse-  
quences caused by accident, abuse, tampering, misuse, flood,  
re, earthquake or other external causes; (b) to consequences  
caused by operating the product outside the permitted or  
intended uses described by KHn solutions; (c) to consequences  
caused by service performed by anyone who is not a represen-  
tative of KHn solutions or a KHn solutions authorized service  
Exclusions, Limitations, and Disclaimers  
KHn solutions makes no warranties, express or implied, as to  
the ability of this product to determine whether, or the extent to  
which, a test subject’s mental or physical functioning, or judg-  
ment, may be impaired by blood alcohol including whether the  
Provider; or (d) to a product or part that has been modified to  
alter functionality or capability without the written permission  
of KHn solutions.  
COnseQuenTIal DaMaGes unDer anY leGal THeOrY,  
InCluDInG BuT nOT lIMITeD TO lOss OF use; lOss OF  
reVenue Or InCOMe; lOss OF aCTual Or anTICIPaTeD  
PrOFITs (InCluDInG lOss OF PrOFITs FrOM a COn-  
TraCT); lOss OF THe use OF MOneY; lOss OF anTICIPaT-  
eD saVInGs; lOss OF BusIness; lOss OF OPPOrTunITY;  
lOss OF GOODwIll, Or lOss OF rePuTaTIOn.  
TO THe eXTenT PerMITTeD BY law, THIs warranTY anD  
THe reMeDIes seT FOrTH aBOVe are eXClusIVe anD In  
lIeu OF all OTHer warranTIes, reMeDIes anD COnDI-  
TIOns, wHeTHer Oral Or wrITTen, sTaTuTOrY, eXPress  
Or IMPlIeD. as PerMITTeD BY aPPlICaBle law, KHn sOlu-  
TIOns sPeCIFICallY DIsClaIMs anY anD all sTaTuTOrY  
Or IMPlIeD warranTIes, InCluDInG, wITHOuT lIMITa-  
TIOn, warranTIes OF MerCHanTaBIlITY anD FITness  
FOr a ParTICular PurPOse anD warranTIes aGaInsT  
HIDDen Or laTenT DeFeCTs. IF KHn sOluTIOns CannOT  
lawFullY DIsClaIM sTaTuTOrY Or IMPlIeD warranTIes  
THen TO THe eXTenT PerMITTeD BY law, all suCH war-  
ranTIes sHall Be lIMITeD In DuraTIOn TO THe DuraTIOn  
OF THe eXPress warranTY anD TO THe rePaIr  
This Breath alcohol Tester is intended to measure alcohol in  
human breath. readings obtained by this device are used in the  
diagnosis of alcohol intoxication. The accuracy of this device  
has been established at a Blood alcohol Concentration of 0.008  
and 0.032. accuracy at a Blood alcohol Concentration greater  
than .032 has not been established.  
some countries, states and provinces do not allow the exclusion  
or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or allow  
limitations on how long an implied warranty or condition may  
last, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also  
have other rights that vary by country, state or province. This  
limited warranty is governed by and construed under the laws  
of the country in which the product purchase took place.  
Or rePlaCeMenT serVICe as DeTerMIneD BY KHn  
sOluTIOns In ITs sOle DIsCreTIOn.  
no KHn solutions reseller, agent, or employee is authorized to  
make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty.  
If any term is held to be illegal or unenforceable, the legality  
or enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected  
or impaired.  
eXCePT as PrOVIDeD In THIs warranTY anD TO THe  
MaXIMuM eXTenT PerMITTeD BY law, KHn sOluTIOns Is  
nOT resPOnsIBle FOr DIreCT, sPeCIal, InCIDenTal Or  
Obtaining Warranty Service  
Please be sure to read this instruction manual carefully if you  
believe your product is not operating properly. If you still feel  
that your product requires warranty service, please follow  
these instructions:  
Obtain a return authorization (ra) number by calling toll-free  
877-334-6876 or by emailing  
when shipping the product back to KHn solutions, please pack-  
age the product carefully and ship using a major carrier (uPs,  
Fedex, usPs, etc). To ensure proper credit for a returned item,  
be sure to obtain a delivery conrmation on the return shipment.  
The customer is responsible for all return shipping charges.  
Include the following information with your returned product:  
Your return authorization number  
name, address, and phone number as stated  
at the time of order  
a copy of your original sales receipt  
DO nOT DrInK anD DrIVe  

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