Exergen Thermometer 2000C User Manual

Temporal Artery Thermometer  
Instructions For Use  
Quick Check-List:  
- Read instructions completely  
before using  
for Educational Video  
- Remove protective cap before using  
- Reads arterial temperature, which is  
a core temperature very close to  
rectal temperature (See pg. 9)  
- Sensor should be clean (See pg. 12)  
- If perspiration is present see pg. 7  
If your thermometer will not be used regularly, remove the battery to  
prevent possible damage due to chemical leakage. If the battery leaks,  
remove carefully. Do not allow bare skin to touch leaking fluid.  
Dispose of used batteries properly. Do not wrap them in metal or  
aluminum foil. Wrap them in newspaper before disposing of them.  
Do not burn them. Battery may explode if overheated.  
Table of Contents  
Important Safety Instructions  
Before Using, Familiarize Yourself With the Instrument 5  
Measuring TA Temperature  
How to Take a Temperature  
Clinical Temperature Information  
Cleaning the Instrument  
Changing the Battery  
Display Messages, °C/°F Conversion  
Product Specifications  
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Exergen TemporalScanner  
Thermometer for consumer use. Your new TemporalScanner Thermometer  
is a totally non-invasive system with advanced infrared technology providing  
maximum ease of use with quick, consistently accurate measurements.  
Advanced, patented technology measures temperatures with a gentle  
stroke across the forehead.  
The TemporalScanner Thermometer has been clinically tested for accuracy com-  
pared to rectal thermometers and temperature sensors inserted in the heart dur-  
ing course of patient treatment2 and accepted for use in major hospitals, making  
it the ideal thermometer for use with newborns, infants, children or adults.  
The TemporalScanner has patented software, providing arterial heat balance.  
This unique process determines temperature by accurately measuring the  
balance between the tissues warming from arterial blood and tissues cooling/  
warming caused by heat loss/gain to the environment.  
Why take temperature measurements at the skin surface  
over the temporal artery?  
The best place to measure temperature is the center of the heart, but this  
can be done only under a doctor’s supervision. Doctors know that measure-  
ment of the blood temperature in a major artery accurately reflects true  
body temperature. The TemporalScanner Thermometer is designed to  
measure the temperature of the skin surface over the temporal artery, a  
major artery of the head.  
The temporal artery is connected to the heart via the carotid artery, directly  
leading from the aorta, the main trunk of the arterial system. It offers con-  
stant blood flow. It is the only such artery positioned close enough to the skin  
surface to provide access needed to take an accurate measurement. It is  
easy to use because it is ideally located at the front portion of the forehead.  
The TemporalScanner is easier and gentler to use than other types of meas-  
urement devices such as oral, rectal, underarm and in-ear thermometers  
because it is truly non-invasive.  
How does the TemporalScanner Thermometer work?  
As you gently stroke the thermometer across the forehead crossing over  
the temporal artery, the sensor in its probe performs two processes:  
First it scans like a video camera, capturing naturally emitted infrared heat  
from the arterial blood supply at about 1000 times per second, locking in  
the highest temperature it senses and;  
Second, at the same time, a patented system measures the ambient tem-  
perature of the area where the temperature is being taken. The patented  
“arterial heat balance” (AHB) software then synthesizes the two separate  
readings to accurately determine and display body temperature.  
As with any thermometer, taking temperatures properly is critical to obtaining  
accurate temperatures, so please read all instructions carefully and thoroughly  
before using this product.  
Before Using, Familiarize Yourself with the Instrument  
Protective Cap (remove during use)  
Probe Cone  
Probe Sensor Lens  
LCD Display Screen  
LED Indicator Light  
SCAN Button  
turn-off in  
30 seconds  
LED Indicator Light  
Thumb-Push Ridges  
Battery Compartment  
9-volt alkaline battery  
To Scan: Depress the button. The instrument will continually scan for  
the highest temperature (peak) as long as the button is depressed.  
Beeping and LED flashing: Beep and LED flashing indicate a rise to a  
higher temperature, similar to a radar detector. Slow beeping indicates  
that the instrument is still scanning, but not finding any higher temper-  
Retain Reading: The reading will remain on the display for 30 seconds  
after the button is released.  
To Restart: Depress the button to restart. It is not necessary to wait  
until the display is clear, the thermometer will immediately begin a new  
scan each time the button is depressed.  
Measuring TA Temperature  
What you should know before using the TAT:  
z Measure only the side of the head exposed to the environment. Anything  
covering the area to be measured (hair, hat, wig, bandages) would insulate  
the area, resulting in falsely high readings.  
z Slide the thermometer straight across the forehead, not down the side  
of the face. Midline on the forehead, the TA is about a millimeter below  
the skin, whereas at the side of the face, the TA is much deeper, and  
measuring there would result in falsely low readings.  
z When taking the temperature behind the ear lobe (if there is perspiration  
on the forehead, see pg 7), first push away any hair, exposing the area.  
Then, tuck the thermometer on the neck under the ear lobe, in the soft  
conical depression, (the place where perfume might be applied).  
z Wait about 30 seconds before measuring the same person again to avoid  
excessive cooling of the skin.  
z An infant is frequently swaddled in blankets and clothing covering the  
neck area. Unless visibly sweaty, one measurement at the TA area is  
typically all that is required. Should you feel the temperature is low, then  
push aside any clothing or blankets covering the neck area for ~30  
seconds or so, and repeat the measurement on the neck behind the ear.  
Factors that may affect measurement accuracy:  
The patented AHB technology in your TemporalScanner actu-  
ally makes two separate measurements (1) the temperature of  
the skin over the temporal artery, and (2) the temperature of  
the room. To determine the most accurate reading, it meas-  
ures both temperatures some 1000 times a second as you  
sweep the TemporalScanner across the forehead. The AHB  
system then calculates how much the blood has cooled down  
during its journey from the heart to the skin over the temporal  
artery and makes allowance for this in the temperature it displays. The result is  
a highly accurate reading - delivered extremely fast and with no discomfort.  
To ensure that the reading always reflects the body temperature accurately, you  
need to take account of the following factors which may affect an accurate reading.  
When a fever resolves, your body may bring its temperature down by sweating.  
The TemporalScanner detects this reduction in temperature  
immediately - long before a rectal thermometer can do so.  
However, sweating also causes extra cooling of the skin. As a  
result the reading given by the TemporalScanner may be low.  
You should therefore either wait until the sweating has stopped  
(wiping the forehead is not recommended, since the sweating  
immediately begins again), or use the following method, which  
has been clinically proven to provide accurate results.  
1. Scan the temperature as normal, keeping the button depressed  
2. Gently nestle the TemporalScanner on neck directly behind ear lobe  
3. Release the button and read the temperature  
Note: Normally, the artery behind the ear lobe does not provide a sufficiently  
accurate reading. However, this area is less affected by sweating than the fore-  
head. In addition, during sweating, increased blood flow produces higher skin  
temperature, equivalent to TA, resulting in a good reflection of body temperature.  
Environmental effects:  
As part of its AHB system, the TemporalScanner measures the temperature  
of the surrounding environment. For this measurement to be accurate, it  
needs to have become acclimatised to the temperature of the room in which  
it is to be used. If it is taken from a cold room into a hot room, or vice versa,  
allow it to acclimate for at least 30 minutes before using it. Avoid holding the  
TemporalScanner by the head, as it will mistake the temperature of your hand  
for that of the room.  
What else should I know?  
If your child is agitated, or squirms away before you have completed your  
measurement, just keep the button depressed and you can continue the  
measurement without having to wait.  
How to Take a Temperature  
1. Remove protective cap before use. Be sure  
lens is clean. If not, clean with cotton swab  
dipped in alcohol and let dry. Hold the ther-  
mometer as shown.  
2. Gently position the probe flush (flat) on the  
center of the forehead, midway between the  
eyebrow and the hairline. Press and hold the  
SCAN button.  
3. Lightly slide the thermometer across the fore-  
head keeping the sensor flat and in contact with the  
skin until you reach the hairline.  
You will hear a beeping and a red light will blink  
to indicate a measurement is taking place.  
If perspiration is present, continue to hold but-  
ton depressed, lift probe from forehead and touch  
the neck just behind the ear lobe.  
4. Release the SCAN button and remove the  
thermometer from the head.  
5. Read the temperature on the display.  
Thermometer will shut off automatically after 30  
seconds. To turn thermometer off immediately,  
press and release the button quickly.  
6. Replace the protective cap on thermometer to  
protect the sensor when not in use.  
Clinical Temperature Information  
Normal Body Temperature (BT)  
Normal BT is not a single temperature, but a range of temperatures influ-  
enced by age, time of day, and measurement site. You can establish your  
family’s normal ranges by taking a number of temperatures from each mem-  
ber during a day and keeping records of them. Many people may not have an  
elevated temperature even if they are ill. These include, but are not limited to,  
infants under 90 days old, people on steroids, antibiotics or antipyretics (acet-  
aminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin), people with compromised immune systems  
(including the elderly and those having HIV/AIDS). Consult your doctor if you  
feel someone is ill even if their temperature is not elevated.  
An elevated temperature or fever is often viewed as a danger sign. In fact,  
fever can be beneficial. It should be evaluated in the light of other physical  
symptoms. A doctor should be consulted in the following situations where  
fever is present: vomiting, diarrhea, changes in appetite, activity or breathing,  
or with children who are irritable, lethargic or unusually sleepy.  
Normal Temporal Artery (TA) Temperature: The range of normal TA  
temperatures has been established by a large study by Dr. Keith Powell4, for  
which he reports "After using the Temporal Scanner Infrared Thermometer to  
determine the range of normal temperatures in over 2300 infants and children  
(see table below from his study5) the staff in our 15 pediatric practices won't  
use any other thermometer. The Temporal Scanner is accurate, fast, non-  
invasive, and well tolerated by children of all ages." A temperature higher  
than those shown in the table is normally considered to be a fever, but con-  
sult your doctor for medical advice. For ages greater than 18 years, 100.1°F  
(37.8°C) should be used.  
Upper limit of normal temperature  
100.7°F (38.1°C)  
100.3°F (37.9°C)  
100.1°F (37.8°C)  
100.1°F (37.8°C)  
0-2 months  
3-47 months  
4-9 years  
10-18 years  
On a stable resting individual, temporal artery temperature is about the same  
as a rectal temperature, and approximately 0.8°F (0.4°C) higher than an opti-  
mum oral temperature. However, during fever episodes, the difference can  
be much higher, mainly because of the much greater speed of the TA com-  
pared to ear, oral, or rectal sites in responding to change in fever.  
Normal Rectal and Oral Temperature: According to the American  
Academy of Pediatrics,3 ordinarily, a rectal reading of 100° F (37.8°C) or less,  
or an oral reading of 99° F (37.2°C) or less, is considered normal, while higher  
readings indicate fever.  
General Rule of Thumb: Rectal temperature is about 2°F (1°C) higher  
than underarm, about 1°F (0.5°C) higher than oral temperature.6  
Expect the Differences: Arterial temperature measurement leads all  
other methods in identifying fever or falling of an elevated temperature, and  
is unaffected by activities of daily  
Normal Body Temperature Ranges  
at Various Measurement Sites  
living. Accordingly, it will some-  
times be different from other  
methods — but accurate.  
97.4 -100.1°F  
(36.3 - 37.8°C)  
Oral Temperature  
Artifacts: Oral temperature  
96.6 - 99.5ºF  
(35.9 - 37.5°C)  
can be misleading, and many  
96.6 - 99.0ºF  
(35.9 - 37.2ºC)  
individuals with fever can have a  
“normal” temperature.7 Mouth  
breathing, rapid breathing, and  
95.5 - 98.8°F  
(35.3 - 37.1°C)  
98.4 -100.0ºF  
(36.9 - 37.8°C)  
hot or cold fluids are a few of the  
artifacts that can distort the read-  
ing, as can inability of the indi-  
vidual to cooperate. Accordingly,  
comparisons with TA may not be  
97.7 - 100.3ºF  
(36.5 - 37.9°C)  
Rectal Temperature Artifacts: Rectal temperature should only be con-  
sidered as a good approximation of core temperature when the patient’s  
thermal balance is stable,8 and may be misleading after antipyretics, physical  
exercise, or other intervention that may change temperature quickly.  
Axillary Temperature Artifacts: Based on strong evidence cited by  
the National Institutes for Health, “axillary temperature is contraindicated in  
critically ill adults, and its use in the general patient population should be  
discouraged due to its unreliable correlation with core temperature and its  
poor reproducibility.”  
Greene DS, Fleisher GR. Accuracy of a noninvasive temporal artery thermometer  
for use in infants, Arch Pediatr Med 2001 Mar;155(3):376-381  
Studies on file at Exergen. Published or presented studies available from Exergen.  
Caring for Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5, American Academy of Pediatrics,  
Bantam 1999.  
Keith R. Powell, M.D., Dr. Noah Miller Chair of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital  
Medical Center of Akron, and Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, Northeastern Ohio  
Universities College of Medicine.  
Roy S, Powell K, Gerson LW. Non-invasive temporal artery temperature (TAT)  
measurements in healthy infants, children, and adolescents. European Society for  
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 2002 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 29-31, 2002.  
Kuzucu EY. Measurement of temperature. Int Anesthesiol Clin, 3(3):435-49, May, 1965  
Tandberg D, Sklar D. Effect of tachypnea on the estimation of body temperature by  
an oral thermometer. NE J Med, 308, 945-46,1983  
Houdas Y, et al. Human body temperature. Ch 5, p89, Plenum Press, 1982, USA, UK  
O’Grady NP, Barie PS, Bartlett JG, et al. Practice guidelines for evaluating new  
fever in critically ill adult patients. Task Force of the Society of Critical Care  
Medicine and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis 1998  
Cleaning the Instrument  
The TemporalScanner is an optical instrument. Like a camera or eye glasses,  
a dirty lens will distort the view. If the thermometer is unable to see the heat  
clearly, it will be unable to measure it accurately, resulting in low readings.  
Probe lens and cone should be shiny clean, if  
not, wipe with a small cloth or swab moistened  
with alcohol.  
Hold upside-down to prevent excess moisture  
from entering the sensor area. It will not harm  
the sensor, but if it becomes too wet, you will  
be unable to take a temperature until it dries.  
Thermometer case can be cleaned with any  
hospital approved disinfectant, alcohol, even  
bleach solutions. Avoid gritty, abrasive cleaners  
as they can scratch the thermometer.  
Do not hold the TemporalScanner under the  
faucet or submerge in water. It is not water-  
Changing the Battery  
Blinking battery icon with temperature displayed:  
battery is low but will still operate correctly.  
Replace soon.  
Blinking battery icon with 2 dashes: not enough  
energy in the battery to measure correct temperature.  
Replace battery.  
Remove the battery compartment door by pushing  
down on the ridges with your thumb, and pushing  
away as indicated. Use both thumbs, if necessary.  
Insert an alkaline 9-volt battery as illustrated, with  
the positive (small terminal) always on the right.  
Replace the battery compartment door as indicated,  
with a push of your thumb on the ridges.  
Display Messages  
A flickering Scn on display is visible during measurement.  
At completion, releasing the button will display and lock  
temperature on the screen for 30 seconds.  
The target temperature measured is higher than 107.6°F  
The target temperature measured is lower than 60°F  
Temperature of the thermometer is higher than 104°F  
(40°C). Let the instrument acclimatize for about 30 min-  
utes in a cooler area in which it will be used.  
The temperature of the thermometer is lower than 60°F  
(15.5°C). Let instrument acclimatize for about 30 minutes  
in a warmer area in which it will be used.  
EMI/RFI (like static on a radio) protection is preventing a tem-  
perature from being taken. Wait a minute and you should be  
able to proceed. If not, reset by removing and replacing the  
battery. Be sure battery is tightly connected. Call Customer  
Service if error message reappears.  
°C/°F Conversion  
Remove the battery cover  
and battery. Remove the clip  
shown by the arrow.  
Replace the clip in either the  
°C position or the °F position  
shown by the diagram.  
Replace battery and battery cover.  
Product Specifications  
Clinical Accuracy  
Meets ASTM E1965-98 and EN60601-1  
standards for electronic and radiation  
thermometers to the extent applicable to  
thermometers which measure the surface  
of the skin over the temporal artery.  
Regulatory Approvals  
CE Mark to -0197, TUV, Declaration of  
Conformity-ISO 9003/08.94, NIST certifiable  
traceable calibrations, UL listed.  
EMI/RFI Protection  
Calibration Protection  
Temperature Range  
Operating Environment  
Error message displayed  
Error message displayed  
15.5 to 42°C (60 to 107.6°F)  
15.5 to 40°C (60 to 104°F)  
0.1°C or °F  
Response Time  
Approximately 0.04 second  
Time Displayed on Screen  
30 seconds before automatic shutdown  
Approximately 7,500 readings  
Battery Life  
7.0 in x 1.75 in x 1.25 in  
(17.8 cm x 4.45 cm x 3.18 cm)  
4.5 oz (130 grams) incl batt  
High contrast LCD  
Display Type  
Construction Method  
Impact resistant casing,  
hermetically sealed sensing system  
1 Year  
Laboratory Error:  
Storage Range:  
See below  
-4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)  
Protected by the following US patents:  
4636091, 5012813, 5199436, 5653238,  
5874736, 6045257, 6047205, 6056435,  
6292685, 6299347, 6319206, 6402371  
Other US and foreign patents pending.  
ASTM laboratory accuracy requirements in the display range of 37° to 39°C (98 to102°F) for IR  
thermometers is +/-0.2°C(+/-0.4°F) whereas for mercury-in-glass and electronic thermometers,  
the requirement per ASTM standards E667-86 and E1112 is +/-0.1°C (+/-0.2°F).  
*Full responsibility for this product meeting applicable portions of this standard is assumed by  
Exergen Corporation, Watertown, MA 02472  
One Year Warranty  
Exergen Corporation warrants each new Exergen TemporalScanner 2000C (except  
battery) against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one year from  
the date of purchase, and agrees to repair or replace any defective product without  
IMPORTANT: This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, mis-  
use or abuse, lack of reasonable care, the affixing of any attachment not provided  
with the product or loss of parts or subjecting the product to any but the specified  
battery.* Use of unauthorized replacement parts will void this warranty.  
Exergen Corporation will not pay for warranty service performed by a non-author-  
ized repair service and will not reimburse the customer for damage resulting from  
warranty service performed by a non-authorized repair service. No responsibility is  
assumed for any special, incidental or consequential damages.  
In order to obtain warranty service, simply call Exergen Corporation Customer  
Service, 617-923-9900, for a Return Material Authorization number (RMA). Then  
send the product, postage or shipping prepaid, to Exergen in accordance with the  
instructions given with the RMA number. It is suggested that for your protection,  
you ship the product, insurance prepaid. Damage occurring during shipment is not  
covered by this warranty.  
NOTE: No other warranty, written or verbal, is authorized by Exergen Corporation.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights  
which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation  
of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion and limitations  
may not apply to you.  
*Read enclosed instructions carefully.  
Made in U.S.A.  
This symbol on the product’s nameplate means it is  
listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc.  
Developed, designed, and manufactured by Exergen Corporation in the USA  
PHONE: 617.923.9900 FAX: 617.923.9911  
 2005 Exergen Corporation. All rights reserved.  
P/N 818541 Rev 6  

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