Furman Sound Power Supply PS PRO II User Manual

is particularly suited to applications where large  
installations must be switched by inexperienced  
lIFT (linear filtering  
The PS-PRO II is controlled by a front panel  
key-operated switch to provide security from  
non-authorized users tampering with the sys-  
tem. The switch has three positions: OFF, ON,  
and REM, allowing for local or remote control.  
With remote control, one or more PS-PRO II’s  
may be installed in remote locations with on/off  
control and LED monitoring via low-voltage  
control wires.  
Unfortunately, traditional AC filter - conditioners  
have been designed for unrealistic laboratory  
conditions. Prior technologies, whether multiple  
pole filter or conventional series mode, could  
actually harm audio and video performance  
more than they help, due to the resonant peaking  
of their antiquated, non-linear designs. Under  
certain conditions, these designs can actually  
add more than 10 dB of noise to the incoming  
AC line! Worse still, lost digital data, the need  
to re-boot digital pre-sets, or destroyed digital  
converters are frequently caused by excessive  
voltage spikes and AC noise contaminating the  
equipment ground. Furman’s SMP+ with LiFT  
takes another approach, ensuring optimal per-  
formance through linear filtering and no leakage  
to ground.  
Besides its power sequencing capabilities, the  
PS-PRO II contains many other conditioning and  
protection features. Each aspect of its functioning  
will be discussed in the next sections.  
In audio/video installations, we recommend that  
power amps receive power last — plug them all  
into Delay 3 or divide them into two groups and  
plug one group through Delay 2 and the other  
through Delay 3. Low level equipment such as  
mixers and signal processors should use Delay  
1. Equipment incorporating clocks or timers such  
as VCR’s, or equipment that must respond to  
wireless remote actuation, should use the un-  
switched outlets. We suggest keeping the front  
panel's unswitched outlet free for equipment that  
is only in use temporarily.  
The PS-PRO II is a power sequencer, meaning it  
is capable of powering a rack full of equipment in  
three steps separated by timed delays. It is use-  
ful whenever various kinds of equipment must  
be powered up or down in groups, rather than  
simultaneously. In audio systems, sequenced  
powering is often necessary to allow turn-on  
transients from low level amplifiers and pro-  
cessors to settle down before any power amps  
are turned on, because simultaneous powering  
would result in a loud, annoying, and potentially  
destructive “pop” reaching the speakers. And in  
any large system whose components present an  
inductive load to the AC line (including electric  
motors, power supplies, and power amplifiers  
of all kinds), sequenced powering can avoid  
excessive inrush currents that can cause circuit  
breakers to trip, even though the steady-state  
currents are not excessive. Power sequencing  
The overall capacity of the PS-PRO II is 20 amps.  
This refers to the combined steady-state current  
drawn by all devices plugged into all of its nine  
outlets. If this combined current level exceeds  
20 amps at any time, the circuit breaker will trip,  
cutting off power to your rack. If this occurs, you  
must reduce the load by unplugging one or more  
units from the PS-PRO II. Then push the black  
button on the circuit breaker (on the front panel)  
to reset it.  
Although 20 amps is an absolute limit, the  
PS-PRO II will allow you to come as close as  
possible to using the full 20 amps, because  
with power sequencing, the risk of tripping  
the breaker is greatly reduced. The PS-PRO  
II handles large but temporary inrush currents  
in stages, rather than simultaneously, allowing  
each stage to settle to its steady-state current  
draw before the next stage is powered.  
front panel Delay Adjust control.  
The Delay Adjust control, which can be set us-  
ing a screwdriver, controls the total delay time  
between Delay 2 and Delay 3. For example, if  
the Delay Adjust is set for 30 seconds, the De-  
lay 1 outlets will go on immediately, Delay 2 will  
power 15 seconds later and Delay 3 will power  
15 seconds after Delay 2, for a total delay time  
of 30 seconds.  
Outlets and Plugs: The PS-PRO II’s four rear  
panel outlet pairs are standard 120V, 20Aduplex  
types. These outlets are widely spaced, to ac-  
commodate one bulky plug-mounted “wall wart”  
power supply in each without covering up an  
adjacent outlet. The front panel outlet is limited  
to 15 amp use. The PS-PRO II also uses a 20  
amp line cord, identified by the perpendicular  
blades on the plug. In 20 amp products, use  
of a plug of this type is required for UL safety  
certification. It is compatible with 20 amp outlets  
(such as those on the rear panel of the PS-PRO  
II). For more information about 20 amp plugs,  
see the information sheet “What Kind Of Plug Is  
This, Anyway?” accompanying this manual, or  
request a copy from Furman.  
The order is reversed for the OFF sequence.  
For example, when an OFF sequence is initiated  
and the DelayAdjust control is set at 60 seconds,  
Delay 3 outlets lose power immediately, Delay 2  
outlets lose power 30 seconds later and Delay  
1 outlets lose power 30 seconds after Delay 2.  
The total delay time is 60 seconds.  
In the event of a power outage, of course all  
equipment plugged into a PS-PRO II will lose  
power simultaneously. However, when power  
is restored, the delayed outlet groups will again  
turn on in the usual delayed sequence (if set to  
maintained on mode).  
ON or OFF  
The method of initiating an ON or OFF sequence  
depends on whether the unit is to be controlled  
locally or remotely. If remotely, it further  
depends on the type of switch or switches used  
(momentary or maintained).  
The PS-PRO II rear panel provides one un-  
switched and three switched outlet pairs. The  
switched outlet pairs are labeled Delay 1, Delay  
2, and Delay 3. (The other pair of outlets on the  
rear panel and an additional single outlet on the  
front panel are unswitched.)  
For local control, an ON sequence is initiated  
by turning the key switch to the ON position,  
and an OFF sequence by turning the key  
switch to OFF position. The START ON-OFF  
SEQUENCE pushbutton is not normally used  
in local operation.  
Here’s how the PS-PRO II works: When an  
ON sequence is initiated, power is immediately  
applied to the Delay 1 outlets. Power is then  
applied to Delay 2 and Delay 3 outlets per the  
1-60 second total delay setting selected with the  
NOTE: If the PS-PRO II is to be used under  
terminals (PCB REV D and later) labeled as:  
local control only, and a jumper is installed  
on JMP1 with no switch connected to the PS-  
PRO II’s terminal strip, then a jumper should  
be connected between the REM and +12V  
terminals. Otherwise, turning the front panel  
key switch to the REM position will turn the PS-  
JMP1 (Default) (MAINTON) , when the REM and  
+12V terminals are tied together, the PS-PRO II  
will sequence OFF.  
JMP2 (MOMENTARy), when the REM and +12V  
terminals are momentary tied together, the PS-  
PRO II will sequence ON or OFF.  
JMP3 (MAINT OFF), when the REM and +12V  
terminals are tied together, the PS-PRO II will  
sequence ON.  
When the PS-PRO II’s front panel key lock switch  
is in the REM position, it can be controlled by  
one or more switches in remote locations. In  
the most basic configuration, only two wires  
and an SPST switch are needed to initiate an  
ON or OFF sequence. The switch may be either  
a momentary or a maintained-contact type,  
depending on a jumper setting inside the PS-  
PRO II. If an additional wire is used, an LED may  
also be installed at the remote end to indicate  
that the power is on.  
JMP4 (REM TO GND = ON), when the REM and  
GND terminals are tied together, the PS-PRO  
II will sequence ON (Note: JMP1 must have a  
jumper installed).  
JMP5 spare jumper holder.  
REM TO +12V = OFF  
REM TO +12V = ON  
An on-off switch of either kind may be used  
to actuate the PS-PRO II’s remote operation.  
Maintained switches, such as most toggle  
switches and push-on/push-off button switches,  
(including the Furman RS-1 key lock switch),  
stay open until switched, and then remain closed  
until switched again. Momentary switches,  
usually pushbutton types like the Furman RS-2  
(which also provides a locking key switch), are  
normally open and stay closed only as long as  
the button is pressed.  
PS-PRO II units come factory-set for maintained  
operation (jumper is installed on JMP1). They  
may be easily converted to other operating  
modes by moving jumper plug/plugs on the PS-  
PRO II’s circuit board. To do this, first disconnect  
the unit from AC power. Remove the 12 screws  
that secure the top cover. Simply install the  
jumper plugs to the desired mode of operation.  
Reattach the top cover.  
Maintained switches are generally the most  
convenient when there is only one remote  
momentary switches offer the advantage of  
a turn-on or turn-off sequence which may be  
started from any location.  
The PS-PRO II main circuit board has 5 pairs of  
(continued on page 7)  
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faults—for example, accidental connection to  
REaR PaNEl lIgHT SWITCH: All Series II  
units feature a rear rack BNC socket which will  
accept any 12 VAC (0.5A) gooseneck lamp as-  
sembly, (such as the Furman GN-LED or GN-I).  
Simply slide the BNC plug over the socket and  
rotate clockwise until the connector snaps into  
the locked position. The rear rack lamp can be  
powered on or off with the rear light power switch  
located on the far left of the front panel.  
or over 140V) and shuts the power down before  
damage can occur. Upon initially applying power  
to the PS-PRO II, this indicator will be lit if the unit  
is receiving below 80 volts or more than 140 volts,  
and power will not be applied to the PS-PRO II’s  
outlets. If the unit has been operating with an ac-  
ceptable input voltage and then the voltage goes  
down power to all of its switched outlets simulta-  
neously, without observing the OFF delay cycle,  
and this LED will begin flashing. When power re-  
turns to within the acceptable range, the PS-PRO  
II will observe its ON delays as it returns power to  
its switched outlets, and this LED will go out.  
NOTE: If the mains power is below 80 volts and  
has caused the PS-PRO II to remove power  
from its outlets, the PS-PRO II will not restore  
power to its outlets until the mains voltage is  
more than 90 volts. If the mains power is above  
140 volts and has caused the PS-PRO II to re-  
move power from its outlets, the PS-PRO II will  
not restore power to its outlets until the mains  
voltage is less than 130 volts. The reason for  
this is to prevent the power from oscillating on  
and off in marginal conditions.  
STaRT ON/OFF SEquENCE: This pushbutton  
switch is used only when the key lock switch is  
in REM position and the PS-PRO II is in Mo-  
mentary Mode. It then acts the same as any  
other remote momentary switch that may be  
connected to the rear panel terminal strip. If the  
switched outlets are on, pushing it begins an  
OFF sequence. If they are off, pushing it begins  
an ON sequence. Do not use this switch when  
in Maintained Mode.  
PROTECTION OK: This LED is normally on  
when the power to the PS-PRO II’s outlets is  
switched on. It monitors the integrity of the pro-  
tection devices and reports if the protection is  
compromised. If an extremely large spike is en-  
countered that exceeds the PS-PRO II’s capac-  
ity, the main group of input protectors will blow  
an internal fuse, causing the indicator to go out.  
If this LED is not lit when the power switch is on,  
full protection is not functioning. Spike protection  
may still exist, but will have a reduced capacity  
to absorb current. If this LED is not lit, please  
contact the Furman Service Department.  
DElaY aDJuST: This screwdriver-adjustable  
trimpot allows you to set the total turn-on/turn-off  
delay time from 1 to 60 seconds, as explained  
on page 6. The trimpot adjusts both the on  
delay and off delay times simultaneously. Turn  
the trimpot clockwise to increase the on and off  
delay times; turn the trimpot counterclockwise  
to decrease the delay times.  
indicator is normally off. It monitors a hazard  
common in the entertainment industry—wiring  
bined steady-state current drawn by all devices  
plugged into the unit at any time exceed 20  
amps, the circuit breaker will trip, cutting off  
power to your rack. If this occurs, reduce the  
load by unplugging one or more units from the  
PS-PRO II, and reset it. you can reset the circuit  
breaker by simply pressing the button, which  
pops out when tripped. However, because it  
is a thermal type, you may have to wait a few  
moments after it trips for it to cool down before  
it will allow you to reset it.  
POWER STaTuS (DElaY) lEDs: One green  
LED is provided for each of the three delay  
stages. Each LED lights when power is applied  
to its corresponding duplex outlet on the rear  
panel. All three LEDs then remain lit until power  
is removed. During the power-down delay cycle,  
each LED goes off as power to its correspond-  
ing outlet is removed. In addition, the Delay 1  
LED flashes if a remote switch (or the stored  
state) is OFF.  
ON/REm/OFF SWITCH: When turned to the  
ON position, this key lock switch initiates an  
ON sequence, applying power to the PS-PRO  
II’s switched outlets. When turned to the OFF  
position, it begins an OFF sequence. In the  
REM position, the PS-PRO II will accept on/off  
commands from a remote switch or switches that  
uNSWITCHED OuTlET: This convenient outlet  
provides power at all times when the PS-PRO II  
is plugged in and operating under normal power  
CIRCuIT BREaKER: The overall capacity of  
the PS-PRO II is 20 amps. Should the com-  
REaR PaNEl  
BNC Connector  
for rear light  
(models GN-I or  
may be connected to the rear panel terminals.  
When thrown to OFF, the sequence is reversed,  
with Delay 3 losing power instantly, Delay 2 out-  
lets losing power 1-30 seconds later and Delay  
1 outlets losing power 1-30 seconds after Delay  
2 outlets are shut down. The delay intervals  
may be altered with the screwdriver-adjustable  
Delay Adjust control on the front panel.  
TERMINALSTRIP:Allows one or more switches  
to be connected to turn the PS-PRO II on and  
off from a remote location. Two, and sometimes  
three, wires are needed to install a remote  
switch (see “Maintained Mode”, page 6.) If a  
four-conductor cable is used, an LED may be  
installed at the remote end to indicate that the  
power is on.  
panel provides clean, filtered power to this pair  
of unswitched outlets, adjacent to the power  
PS-PRO II rear panel provides three pairs of  
switched outlets, widely spaced to allow use of  
equipment with plug- in (wall wart) transformers.  
These switched outlet pairs are labeled Delay 1,  
Delay 2 and Delay 3.After the front panel switch  
is thrown to ON, Delay 1 outlets receive power  
instantly, Delay 2 outlets receive power 1-30  
seconds later and Delay 3 outlets receive power  
1-30 seconds after Delay 2 outlets are powered.  
(Continued from p.4)  
SEQUENCE” switch on the front panel in  
Maintained Mode . If you do, you may activate  
an unintended sequence. If a Furman RS-1 is  
the controlling switch, contact Furman’s Tech  
Support department for the proper wiring  
There are 3 maintained modes of operation:  
REM to +12V = OFF (jumper plug installed on  
The connection of the REM terminal to the  
+12V terminal initiates an OFF sequence.  
Disconnecting initiates an ON sequence. If  
the cable run is long, it is recommended that  
the REM wire be tied to the PS-PRO II’s GND  
terminal during ON operation rather than leaving  
it floating. This will require the use of a third  
conductor and a double-throw switch.  
In Momentary Mode (jumper plug installed on  
The PS-PRO II has “memory” — it only needs  
a momentary signal from the remote switch to  
change its state from ON to OFF. When first  
plugged in (or after power is lost and reapplied  
for any reason) the stored state is OFF, and the  
DELAy 1 LED will flash. The unit will stay off  
until sequenced ON by a momentary connection  
of the REM IN terminal to +12V (the key switch  
must be in the REM position). The sequence  
starts on the rising edge of the signal.  
REM to +12V = ON (jumper plug installed on  
The connection of the REM terminal to the +12V  
terminalinitiatesanONsequence. Disconnecting  
initiates an OFF sequence. If the cable run is  
long, it is recommended that the REM wire be  
tied to the PS-PRO II’s GND terminal during OFF  
operation rather than leaving it floating.  
The front panel START ON-OFF SEQUENCE  
switch is in parallel with, and functionally  
equivalent to, one or more remote momentary  
switches that may be connected to the terminal  
strip in the rear.  
REM to GND = ON (jumper plugs installed on  
JMP1 and JMP4)  
The connection of the REM terminal to the GND  
terminalinitiatesanONsequence. Disconnecting  
initiates an OFF sequence.  
The “memory” is independent of the key switch.  
This means that even if the unit is sequenced off  
by turning the key lock switch to OFF, when the  
key lock switch is turned back to REM, the unit  
will sequence back on — it will not be necessary  
to push the START ON-OFF SEQUENCE button  
again. The unit “remembers” its state until the  
incoming power is lost, in which case it would  
default back to OFF.  
The front-panel key lock switch is not the primary  
means of control in the momentary mode and  
should normally be left in REM. It may be a useful  
secondary means of control in the rare case of  
having several PS-PRO II’s in parallel if there  
is some reason to shut down one unit without  
affecting the others. Because it is a maintained-  
REM to +12V = OFF  
The key lock switches on each unit’s front panel  
will turn off an individual unit that is currently on  
without affecting the other units.  
The STATUS lines work the same in either  
mode. Each reflects the true state of the unit’s  
outlets and is affected by both the “memorized”  
state and by the key lock switch. A separate  
LED must be used to indicate the status of each  
To address the unusual (hopefully rare) instance  
when several PS-PRO II’s in parallel fall out of  
sync, resulting in some units turning on and  
others turning off when a remote button is  
pushed, the remote signal line has a special  
contact switch, the RS-1 is not an appropriate  
remote switch for the PS-PRO II when it is in  
momentary mode. The Furman RS-2 is the  
proper choice. Please contact Furman for RS-2  
wiring diagrams.  
Holding the REM line high for at least 4 seconds  
(whether by an actual remote switch or by any  
unit’s START ON-OFF SEQUENCE switch) will  
force all units to the OFF state, putting them  
back in sync. This is the only way to re-sync  
units other than disconnecting AC power to all  
units. Remember: turning any key lock switch  
to OFF does not affect the stored state, even  
though it will temporarily turn the output of that  
unit off. If it is turned back to REM, the PS-PRO  
II will sequence back to ON because the stored  
state is still ON.  
you can use more than one PS-PRO II to handle  
loads that exceed 20 amps (16 amps PRO-E). To  
control them remotely with one or more remote  
switches, connect (in parallel) the REM, +12V  
(and optionally GND) terminals of all units. Be  
sure that the mode (momentary or maintained) of  
all units is set the same. Set all key lock switches  
to REM. Connect a single maintained switch or  
one or more momentary switches to the nearest  
PS-PRO II, as discussed in the sections above.  
To avoid tripping house breakers, the power  
input for each PS-PRO II should come from a  
separate 20 amp AC circuit. If you are unsure  
whether your building’s wiring can accommodate  
multiple fully-loaded PS-PRO II’s or PS-PRO  
IIE’s, consult a qualified electrician.  
The STATUS terminal is an output that may be  
used to illuminate an LED at the remote location  
indicating that the power is available at the PS-  
PRO II’s outlets. If it is high (+5V), the unit is ON  
(or at least in the process of sequencing ON); if  
low, the unit is OFF (or sequencing OFF). Simply  
connect the indicator LED between STATUS  
and ground (do not use a series resistor). If the  
LED does not light when the switch is in the ON  
position, check the polarity and reverse the LED  
leads if needed.  
If multiple PS-PRO II’s are controlled by one  
or more momentary remote switches, all of the  
PS-PRO II’s will change state (from on to off or  
vice versa) on each rising edge of the voltage  
on the REM IN terminal. All remote switches or  
START ON-OFF SEQUENCE pushbuttons on  
any unit’s front panel will toggle all of the units.  
ranty, Manufacturer shall authorize Purchaser to  
return the Product to the Furman factory or to  
an authorized Furman repair location. Warranty  
claims should be accompanied by a copy of the  
original purchase invoice showing the purchase  
date; this is not necessary if the Warranty Reg-  
istration was completed either via the mailed in  
warranty card or on-line website registration.  
Shipping charges to the Furman factory or to  
an authorized repair location must be prepaid  
by the Purchaser of the product. Manufacturer  
shall, at its own expense, furnish a replacement  
Product or, at Manufacturer’s option, repair the  
defective Product. Return shipping charges back  
to Purchaser will be paid by Manufacturer.  
The DELAy 1 LED on a PS-PRO II flashes  
to indicate that a remote switch is off or not  
connected. In Maintained Mode (JMP1, MAINT  
ON’s jumper plug is installed), this will only  
occur when the REM terminal is tied to the +12V  
terminal. In Momentary Mode, the LED flashes  
if the stored state is OFF. Since the flashing  
function is only concerned with the state of  
the remote switch (or switches), note that it is  
possible for this LED to flash even when the unit  
is ON. This could occur when the PS-PRO II is  
under local control (the key lock switch is in the  
ON position). In this case, DELAy 1 would flash  
and DELAy 2 and DELAy 3 would be steadily  
lit. This serves as a warning that the unit will  
sequence OFF if the key is turned to the REM  
Manufacturer does not warrant against damages  
or defects arising out of improper or abnormal  
use of handling of the Product; against defects  
or damages arising from improper installation,  
against defects in products or components  
not manufactured by Manufacturer, or against  
damages resulting from such non-Manufacturer  
made products or components. This warranty  
shall be cancelable by Manufacturer at its sole  
discretion if the product is modified in any way  
without written authorization from Furman  
Sound. This warranty also does not apply to  
Products upon which repairs have been affected  
or attempted by persons other than pursuant to  
written authorization by Manufacturer.  
Furman Sound, LLC., having its principal place  
of business at 1997 South McDowell Blvd.,  
Petaluma, CA 94954 (“Manufacturer”) warrants  
its PS-PRO II Power Conditioner / Sequencer  
(the “Product”) as follows:  
Manufacturer warrants to the original Purchaser  
of the Product that the Product sold hereunder  
will be free from defects in material and work-  
manship for a period of three years from the date  
of purchase. The Purchaser of the product is  
allowed fifteen days from the date of purchase  
to complete warranty registration by mail or on-  
line at the Furman website. If the Product does  
not conform to this Limited Warranty during the  
warranty period (as herein above specified),  
Purchaser shall notify Manufacturer in writing of  
the claimed defects. If the defects are of such  
type and nature as to be covered by this war-  
and exclusive obligation of Manufacturer shall  
be to repair or replace the defective Product in  
the manner and for the period provided above.  
Manufacturer shall not have any other obliga-  
tion with respect to the Products or any part  
thereof, whether based on contract, tort, strict  
liability or otherwise. Under no circumstances,  
whether based on this Limited Warranty or  
Before returning any equipment for repair, please  
otherwise, shall Manufacturer be liable for in-  
cidental, special, or consequential damages.  
Manufacturer’s employees or representatives’  
not be relied upon by Purchaser, and are not a  
part of the contract for sale or this limited war-  
ranty. This Limited Warranty states the entire  
obligation of Manufacturer with respect to the  
Product. If any part of this Limited Warranty is  
determined to be void or illegal, the remainder  
shall remain in full force and effect.  
be sure that it is adequately packed and cush-  
ioned against damage in shipment, and that it is  
insured. We suggest that you save the original  
packaging and use it to ship the product for  
servicing. Also, please enclose a note with your  
name, address, phone number and a description  
of the problem.  
NOTE: All equipment being returned for repair  
must have a ReturnAuthorization (RA) Number.  
To get an RA Number, please call the Furman  
Service Department, (707) 763-1010, Ext. 120 or  
121, between 8 am and 5 pm U.S. Pacific Time.  
Please display your RA Number prominently on  
the front of all packages.  
Current Rating:  
20 Amps (2400 Watts at 120 VAC)  
(16 Amps for "E" version)  
Input Voltage:  
85 to 264 VAC without damage  
Delay Intervals:  
Total elapsed ON or OFF delay time adjustable  
from 1-60 seconds, with a single trimpot  
ON Sequence:  
OFF Sequence:  
Remote Switch:  
-Delay 1 outlets go on immediately with switch.  
-Delays between outlets 1 and 2, and 2 and 3,  
adjustable from 1-60 seconds each  
-Delay 3 outlets go off immediately with switch.  
-Delays between outlets 3 and 2, and 2 and 1,  
same as ON delays  
Screw terminals, 2 for switch, 2 additional for  
optional LED (22 ga. minimum)  
Spike Protection Modes:  
Spike Clamping Voltage:  
Line to neutral, zero ground leakage  
188 Vpk @ 3,000 amps, (133 VAC RMS)  
[“E” Version: 376 Vpk (266 VAC RMS)]  
Response Time:  
Maximum Surge Current:  
1 nanosecond  
6,500 amps  
1.75” H x 19” W x 10.5” D.  
12 lbs.  
Steel chassis, .125” brushed and black anodized  
aluminum front panel; glass epoxy printed circuit boards  
Power Consumption:  
11 watts  
Safety Agency Listings:  
Over Voltage Shutdown:  
US: 140V HI, 80V LO  
E: 280V HI, 150V LO  
220/240V Versions (units with “E” suffix only) are  
intended for use in countries with nominal 220 to  
Furman Sound, LLC.  
1997 South McDowell Blvd.  
Petaluma, California 94954-6919 USA  
Phone: 707-763-1010 Fax: 707-763-1310  

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