Acou stica l Lea k Detector
Op e ra ting Ma nua l
Fishe r Re se a rc h La b o ra to ry ha s a lwa ys b e e n a le a d e r in the fie ld
o f a c o ustic a l le a k d e te c tio n. Fro m the e a rly LT-10 thro ug h the
XLT-20, hig h q ua lity sound a m p lific a tion ha s b e e n synonym ous with
the na m e Fishe r.
Fishe rs XLT-30 ta ke s le a k d e te c tio n to a ne w le ve l. Ultra se nsitive
sound m ic rop hone s, c om b ine d with a non-d istortion a m p lific a tion
syste m a nd c rysta l c le a r a ud io he a d p ho ne s m a ke the XLT-30 the
le a k d e te c to r d e stin e d to se t n e w sta n d a rd s fo r th e le a k
p ro fe ssio na l.
1. Control Box
All listening and filtering controls for the XLT-30 are contained in this
sturdy housing. The function of each control is described in the section
entitled “Faceplate and Controls”.
2. Big Foot Prob e
Also known as the Ground Microphone, this probe is to be used on hard
surfaces, concrete, asphalt, tile, etc. A flexible rubber shield helps prevent
outside sounds from interfering with the sounds from the buried pipe. De-
pressing the red button near the handle will Mute the audio from the probe
to suppress loud sounds when the probe is moved.
3. Hyd rop honic Cylind e r Prob e
This probe is a direct contact probe designed to make direct connection to
the pipe, or any portion of the pipe that is accessible. Used in any combina-
tion of Sound Rods with the T-Handle, pipes can be accessed to distances
up to nearly 6 feet away.
Another feature of the Cylinder Probe is the ability to listen to pipe noise in
pipes that are buried in turf, or soft surfaces. Accurate pipe location is
essential for the placement of the Ground Rods as close to the pipe as pos-
On top of the Cylinder Probe is a three position toggle switch for Mute,
Listen, and Momentary Listen. As with all Mute controls, learn to use
them wisely.
When tightening the sounds rods to the Hydrophonic Probe, secure the con-
nector with a wrench as to not let it twist. Twisting of that connector could
damage wiring on the inside of the probe.
4. Sound Rod s
Two different sizes are included with the XLT-30. One (1) 4 inch rod and
three (3) 24 inch rods give the user various lengths for direct or indirect
contact to pipes.
5. T-Ha nd le
This handle is used primarily with the Cylinder Probe and the sound rods.
6. He a d p hone s
These headphones are designed to deliver the clearest sound with the least
distortion. Unplugging the headphones will turn off the XLT-30. When
the XLT-30 is turned Off, any modifications to Volume, Notch, and Filter
will return to the factory presets.
7. Prob e Ca b le
This cable attaches at the back of the Control Housing to any of the various
probes. Make sure the jack is fully inserted and the lock nut is hand tightend.
8. Ca rrying Ca se
Each unit comes with a strong plastic carrying case with foam compart-
ments to store all parts of the XLT-30.
9. Ca rrying Stra p / Housing Mounting Bra c ke t
The attachment system for the XLT-30 consists of a plastic mounting bracket
that slides from the bottom of the control housing up to the bezel around
the faceplate. There are two slots for attaching an adjustable strap that
hangs around the neck of the user.
10. Little Foot Asse m b ly (Ac c e ssory)
About the size of a computer mouse, this small handheld probe designed for
areas that the Big Foot Probe can not fit into. The Little Foot assembly is
normally used for leak detection inside buildings. Mute is activated by
depressing button in front of Little Foot Assembly.
This pad turns the XLT-30 On or Off. When the instrument is turned Off,
all settings, or modifications to settings default to the preset factory set-
Depress pad to turn the back light On or Off. Prolonged use of the Back
Light will have minimal effect on the battery life of the XLT-30.
Depress pad to modify the Volume of the XLT-30. The arrow keys (Up
arrow/Down arrow) increase or decrease the Volume to the headphones.
This control allows the user to mask or reject a small range of frequency
response. Its purpose is to eliminate a sound (i. e. motor, humming, fans,
etc.) that may be interfering with the leak sound. The Notch setting can be
moved with the Arrow Keys.
The XLT-30 ha s fo ur d iffe re nt filte ring m o d e s.
AL (All Frequencies) – This is the No Filter feature of the XLT-30.
No modifications to the signal can be made with the Arrow Keys. Fre-
quency range of the All Frequency setting is from 60 Hz to 6 kHz.
(The following filte r mode s ha ve a fre que nc y ra nge from 60 Hz to 2.4 kHz)
HI (High Range) – This filtering mode allows the user to adjust the
response in the higher areas of the frequency range. Use the Arrow keys to
increase or decrease this frequency response range.
LO (Low Range) – Similar to the previous filter mode, the Low Pass
filter allows the user to listen to the lower areas of the frequency range.
The Arrow keys are used to increase or decrease this frequency response
FC (Frequency Choice) – This filter could also be called Frequency
Select. This mode allows tuning to the frequency that gives the user the
best response. The Arrow keys are used to move the cursor, selecting a
narrow frequency band of choice
This d ua l p urp o se b utto n is b o th a Mute c o ntro l a nd a Pe a k Ho ld
Re se t c o ntro l.
Mute – As the name applies, muting disengages the sound to the
user. There is also a control on all listening microphones. Learn to use this
control to prevent excessive noise to your ears when the probes are moved.
Hold – The display of the XLT-30 will show the highest sound level
recorded. This reading can be reset by depressing this pad. Resetting the
Peak Hold clears earlier readings of the Peak sound.
Arrow Ke ys
These keys allow features of the XLT-30 to be modified.
After any modification has been made to the XLT-30 (VOLUME, NOTCH,
or FILTER), depressing the RESUME will return the display screen back
to a Meter function (Sound Graph).
Se t Up
1. Assemble Control Housing, Headset, and your choice of listening probe .
The headset must be plugged in for the XLT-30 to operate.
2. Depress POWER pad to turn On the XLT-30. The XLT-30 goes through
a five second warm up before the touch pads are functional. During this
time, the Display Screen gives information of Battery Level. A reading of
68 or below will activate the “Low Battery” indicator. The XLT-30 does
have a usage buffer between the “Low Battery” indicator and complete sys-
tem shut down to allow you to complete a job.
3. The XLT-30 always turns On to the default settings. Volume is at the
Medium setting, Filter is in the All Pass (no filter) mode, and the Notch
Control is at the Midway point. The display screen will show the sound
intensity in a bar graph form (Sound Graph) and two digit display.
4. Familiarize yourself where the Mute Buttons (and pad) are. Remember
to Mute the XLT-30 when moving any probe.
5. Depress the VOLUME pad to modify headset volume. Use the ARROW
pads to increase or decrease the volume. The display screen will show the
volume level in a graph form. Depress the RESUME pad to exit Volume
modification and return the Display Screen to the Sound Graph function.
6. Begin your leak detection search.
Mod ific a tions During Le a k Se a rc h
So m e le a ks a re sm a ll in size , a nd unre c o g niza b le , o r c o nd itio ns
a re suc h tha t ve ry little le a k so und c a n b e re c o g nize d , so yo u
m a y ne e d to m a ke c ha ng e s to the Filte r(s) in o rd e r to he a r le a ks.
De p e nd ing up o n the typ e o f p ip e c o m p o sitio n a nd so il (g ro und )
typ e , d iffe re nt filte r se tting s will inc re a se yo ur a b ility to he a r the
le a k so und .
Ad justm e nt to the Filte r is d one b y d e p re ssing the FILTER p a d whic h
will a llo w yo u to sc ro ll thro ug h fo ur d iffe re nt filte r typ e s. Fre q ue nc y
ra ng e m o d ific a tio ns c a n b e m a d e to the HI, LO, a nd FC filte rs. As
yo u a re c ho o sing yo ur filte r, the d isp la y sc re e n will g ive a visua l
d isp la y o f the filte r typ e b e ing use d , a nd the fre q ue nc y ra ng e o f
tha t filte r. Afte r yo ur se le c tio n a nd m o d ific a tio n is m a d e , d e p re ss
the RESUME p a d to re turn to the So und Gra p h func tio n o f the
d isp la y sc re e n.
Use of the Notc h Filte r
Oc c a siona lly, you m a y c om e a c ross a sound tha t m a y b e m a sking
o r c o ve ring yo ur a b ility to a d e q ua te ly he a r a ny le a ks. This m a y
b e c a use d b y ne a rb y m o to rs, fa ns, o r m a ny o the r a nno ya nc e s.
(Un fo rtu n a te ly, th e m o st c o m m o n a re so u n d s c a u se d b y
a utom ob ile s a nd tra ffic ). The XLT-30 ha s a Notc h, or re je c t fe a ture ,
tha t will a ssist in e lim ina ting tha t so und fro m yo ur fre q ue nc y ra ng e .
De p re ss the NOTCH p a d , a nd use the ARROW p a d s to m o ve the
c urso r to the p o int whe re the a nno ying so und is e lim ina te d o r a t
its we a ke st. De p re ss the RESUME p a d to se t the No tc h func tio n.
(Hint: De p re ss the FILTER p a d to g o d ire c tly to the FILTER m o d e .
No w yo u c a n c ho o se the typ e o f Filte r yo u wish to use AND still
ha ve the a nno ying so und No tc he d ).
Su bject to im p r ovem en t or m od ifica tion w ith ou t n otice.
Op e ra ting fre q ue nc y Ra ng e
All p a ss m o d e
Filte r m o d e
60Hz - 6kHz
60Hz - 2.4kHz
Filte r Typ e s:
Ind e p e nd e nt no tc h filte r
Lo wp a ss, Hig hp a ss o r Ba nd p a ss
95d B
G a in
Outp ut Ind ic a tio ns:
Aud io Hig h p e rfo rm a nc e he a d p ho ne s (64 o hm s)
Visua l LCD b a rg ra p h a nd 2-d ig it num e ric d isp la y
Auto m a tic
Ba tte ry Te st
Ba tte ry Typ e
Ba tte ry Life
We ig ht
Two 9 Vo lt a lka line
50 Ho urs (a p p ro xim a te )
Ho using 1.2 lb s.
Big fo o t Se nso r 4.5 lb s.
Ca se Dim e nsio ns
8-1/ 4" x 8-1/ 2" x 32-1/ 2"
Standard Equipment:
Hard Carrying Case
Operation Manual
Optional Equipment:
Little Foot Assembly
F ish er Resea r ch La bor a tor y d oes n ot w a r r a n t su ita bility to sp ecific u se.
F ish er Resea r ch La bor a tor y sh a ll in n o even t be lia ble for a n y d ir ect, in cid en ta l,
con sequ en tia l or in d ir ect d a m a ges.
Fishe r d e te c to rs a re re no wne d fo r the ir q ua lity.
Ea c h d e te c to r is ha nd c ra fte d in the USA with p rid e
The wo rld wid e und e rg ro und utility ind ustry re lys o n Fishe r.
Our instrum e nts a re d ura b le , d e p e nd a b le , a nd se a rc h d e e p e r..
Fishe r p ro d uc e d the first p a te nte d m e ta l d e te c to r in 1931. Fo r
o ve r 70 ye a rs, the Fishe r lo g o ha s b e e n a m a rk o f e xc e lle nc e .
Fishe r b e lie ve s in the p ro d uc ts we p ro d uc e a nd b a c ks this b e lie f
with a 2 ye a r wa rra nty o n a ll o f o ur ind ustria l instrum e nts.
Wa rra nty m a y va ry o utsid e o f the Unite d Sta te s.
Se e yo ur d e a le r fo r d e ta ils
Fishe r is c o m m itte d to p ro vid ing yo u, o ur va lue d c usto m e r, with
sup e rio r se rvic e . Ea c h a nd e ve ry instrum e nt is rig id ly te ste d a nd
c a re fully insp e c te d d uring a sse m b ly a nd b e fo re ship m e nt.
Should you ha ve a ny q ue stions or p rob le m s, c onta c t:
200 We st Willm o tt Ro a d .,
Lo s Ba no s, Ca lifo rnia 93635
Te l 209.826.3292 Fa x 209.826.0416
www.fishe rla b .c o m
e m a il: info @fishe rla b .c o m
for a d e a le r ne a r you
1.800.M-SCOPE.1 1.800.672.6731
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